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More companies trust in Guanajuato

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More companies trust in Guanajuato

In 33 months 61 investment projects have arrived in Guanajuato, investing 2,416 million dollars and creating 29,375 jobs Le Bélier invests mor

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In 33 months 61 investment projects have arrived in Guanajuato, investing 2,416 million dollars and creating 29,375 jobs

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Le Bélier invests more than 68 million dollars and will create 496 jobs, in an autoparts production plant

San Miguel de Allende/Gto News

In 33 months of this Administration 61 companies have invested in Guanajuato 2,416 million dollars and have created 29,375 jobs, said Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo.


A good investment

The Governor was present at the place to lay the foundation stone of the plant of Le Bélier a world leader in aluminum foundry that is investing 68 million dollars in building the autoparts plant where 496 jobs will be created.

“We thank the directors at Le Bélier for trusting in Guanajuato and for trusting in the talent of our youngsters, Guanajuato is your home, here we will correspond to your trust, you know you have all the support of the State Government”, said Rodriguez Vallejo.

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From all over the world

“In this land we thank for having companies from all over the world, and the arrival of Le Bélier means for us the result of many efforts by both parts, this is a win-win relationship”, said the Governor.

This new investment, noted the Governor is an excellent action for Guanajuato to go on in its economic reactivation, Le Bélier comes to strengthen the suppliers network of the most dynamic automotive cluster in Latin America.


An important ally

“Guanajuato is the ideal place for your business, here we believe that each company that arrives to our territory becomes an important ally, an ally to promote more our State and to create more jobs for the Guanajuatense families”, said the Governor.

Le Bélier signed an agreement with the Technological University of San Miguel de Allende to create the first Foundry School in Guanajuato.

The plant when it is finished will have a high degree of automation and it will be a great example of Industry 4.0.

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“I am sure they also know that here we are betting to go from manufacture to mindfacture, and that to achieve this we have a business ecosystem that we have called Valley of Mindfacture”

Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo

The epicenter

“Directors at Le Bélier know that Guanajuato is on its way to be the epicenter of Industry 4.0 in Mexico and Latin America, working with Hannover Messe, the fair where the concept of Industry 4.0 was born”, said the Governor.

Le Bélier is a world leader in specialized smelting for the manufacturing of molded aluminum components, which contribute to the reduction of weight and the emission of CO2 in automotive and aeronautics.

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