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Model GTO of Minfacture awards

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Model GTO of Minfacture awards

The Mindfacture 2022 Recognition to the leading projects of the Valley of Mindfacture of Guanajuato were presented Mindfacture is the process that

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The Mindfacture 2022 Recognition to the leading projects of the Valley of Mindfacture of Guanajuato were presented

Mindfacture is the process that will lead us to the next stage of development, said the Governor

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Leon/Gto News

Guanajuato has the Valley of Mindfcature, an innovation ecosystem made up of infrastructure and sectorized corridors; industrial parks and zones, production plants that create jobs; the most important automotive cluster in Latin America; productive chains; Technological Parks system; industry-oriented education; and a favorable business environment.

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Pioneers and leaders

Governor, Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo, said the former when leading the Mindfacture 2022 awards to the pioneers, leaders and organizations that have shown their innovative and entrepreneurial capacity.

“We are the 4th state with the largest manufacturing base in the country, in the 90’s, it was the threshold for Guanajuato to become what we are, an industrial power and the sixth largest economy in Mexico and today we are facing a new threshold which is called: Mindfacture Model GTO”, he said.

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Generate value

Rodríguez Vallejo pointed out that the commitment of the State Administration is to continue promoting Mindfacture as a public policy that makes visible and links resources to generate value, so that Guanajuato remains a pole of innovation and technological development.

“We are going to continue generating opportunities for companies, entrepreneurs and society in general to reach their full potential, we are going to continue generating certainty with humanistic and innovative public policies, so that ideas and projects grow,” said Rodriguez Vallejo.

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The Governor recognized the winners of each category:

  • Culture of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Jose Carlos Eladio Ortiz Martinez, ASKHA Mexico Integradora de Startups y Proyectos Sociales AC
  • Promotion of Scientific-Technological Development
  • Adriana Orozco Vega, Bionovation SAPI. SACV
  • Business Innovation
  • José Luis Velasco Silva from Biokrone SA de CV
  • Agroindustry, Social Innovation
  • Santiago Gutierrez from the Polytechnic University of Guanajuato
  • Public Innovation
  • Daniela Alvarado Valdez from the Institute of Public Health of the State of Guanajuato.
  • National Emblem Mindfacture was awarded to the President of the Mexican Stock Exchange, María Ariza,
  • State Emblem Mindfacture was awarded to Ernesto Rocha Sandoval from Grupo Plasma Automation

International experiences

As part of the recognition, the winners of the Mindfacture 2022 categories will be awarded an experience in Italy, Germany, India, Spain and Singapore, so that they can interact with international ecosystems allied to the Valley of Mindfacture to establish strategic alliances, share new practices and identify new possibilities for innovation.

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A new era

“They are the promoters of Guanajuato towards a new threshold of development, of a new era, which will mark the next decades of our development and this new history is being written by innovators and dreamers like you, the daring, the rebels, those who are never tired of investigating”, said the Governor.

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Paths of Innovation

“Those who do not get lost in the air and, on the contrary, materialize their projects, although others do not believe in them, it is not easy to leave the comfort zone, to explore, with intelligence and creativity, the promising paths of innovation, they are Guanajuatenses who are generating value through their ideas and business initiatives and the most important is that the value created has a social significance in very current issues”, said Rodriguez Vallejo.

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Innovation and entrepreneurship, the Governor pointed out, are the keys that open the door for development, which generates a better present and future for Guanajuato with the work fostered in the Valley of Mindfacture.

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Around the world

“Today we have learned stories that illustrate very well what is happening in the Valley of Mindfacture; I invite those honored, to be ambassadors of this ecosystem around the world, so that the Valley of Mindfacture is heard about in other states and in other countries; that more and more Guanajuatenses become enthusiastic about innovation and entrepreneurship; that we promote and practice Mindfacture throughout the year, to continue making of Guanajuato, the Greatness of Mexico”, noted Rodriguez Vallejo. 

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