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Hundreds of thousands of visitors in Guanajuato

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Hundreds of thousands of visitors in Guanajuato

Guanajuato ready to receive more than 1 million 187 thousand visitors during Holy Week and Easter SECTUR invites you to consult the directory of t

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Guanajuato ready to receive more than 1 million 187 thousand visitors during Holy Week and Easter

SECTUR invites you to consult the directory of tourism service providers in the RET (State Tourism Registry) https://guanajuato.mx/directorio/ and book your vacation.

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Silao/Gto News

During the Holy Week and Easter holiday period, the State of Guanajuato expects to receive more than 1,187,000 visitors who will generate an economic benefit of more than 2,770 million pesos.


The Secretary of Tourism of the State of Guanajuato, through the Tourism Observatory (OTEG), launched the Tourist Activity Bulletin for this period, which will run from Friday, March 31 to Sunday, April 16, 2023, and which also forecasts the arrival of more than 244,000 tourists at 1 to 5-star hotels -with a price range of 150 to 750 pesos per room-, with an average occupancy of 38%.

Guanajuato Vacation Visitors Destinations 3

Guanajuato is ready and invites travelers to live experiences of culture, romance, nature, sports, gastronomy, wellness, wine tourism and spirits in the 46 municipalities of the State.

Guanajuato Vacation Visitors Destinations 4

In these 17 days, SECTUR, led by Juan José Álvarez Brunel, Secretary of Tourism, invites the whole family to have a great escape and live great stories with the service providers that are registered in the RET (State Tourism Registry) and which is reliably found in the following directory:

Guanajuato Vacation Visitors Destinations 5

According to the OTEG, at Easter the arrival service provider expect:

  • The arrival of 145,384 tourists
  • A hotel occupancy of 38%
  • More than 706 thousand visitors
  • An economic income of 1 thousand 647 million 291 thousand 434 pesos
Guanajuato Vacation Visitors Destinations 6

While the indicators of the Tourist activity in Easter Week indicate:

  • More than 99 thousand tourists will arrive in the State
  • A hotel occupancy of 37%
  • More than 481 thousand visitors are expected
  • An economic income of 1 thousand 122 million 759 thousand 161 pesos
Guanajuato Vacation Visitors Destinations 7

Know the tourist offer available at:

  • www.guanajuato.mx

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