The program promoted by the Government of Guanajuato brings benefits to guanajuatenses The Mindfacture Nodes are showing results and is already im
The program promoted by the Government of Guanajuato brings benefits to guanajuatenses
The Mindfacture Nodes are showing results and is already impacting hundreds of families
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Silao/Gto News
Human talent is what keeps organizations alive. In Guanajuato, knowledge has led to the application of Mindfacture in vulnerable areas of the State and has managed to generate competitive communities, benefiting more than 250 families.

Towards reactivation
The Mindfacture Nodes are centers of entrepreneurship based on knowledge. The goal is to promote in the development centers actions aimed at an economic reactivation based on Mindfacture principles through semi-industrial production units and the creation of cooperatives, which are an important part in the reconstruction of the social fabric due to three aspects key that make of them an Integral Project:
- Strategic location
- Accesible Mindfacture
- Team work

Innovation and technology
By combining these aspects in a project, it is possible that innovation and technology are accessible to citizens.
As a result of the first stage, the following five Mindfacture Nodes have already been consolidated in Guanajuato:

Knowledge and skills
From December 2020 to March 2022, more than 250 families have been benefited.
The project has a positive impact on families from Guanajuato, as it provides participants with the necessary knowledge and skills for the operation of a semi-industrial production process, as well as the administrative foundations for its operation, however, one of the most important aspects of this project have to do with the consolidation of the capacity for resilience and empowerment that organically appears in benefitted citizens.

Consolidate Mindfacture
In 2022 the plan is to continue consolidating the Mindfacture Nodes project through the installation of at least two new Nodes.
It is expected that during 2022 those Nodes already installed become mature and reach their sustainability phase, so that after formally establishing themselves as cooperatives they can continue with their production and commercialization processes independent of the infrastructure provided by IDEAGTO and SEDESHU, so that in this way a next stage of training for new citizens can be considered.

You can be part of it
The Nodes are within the Social Impulse Centers indicated above in the chart and citizens can freely approach the centers and be part of them.
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