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Mid Superior education is strengthened


Mid Superior education is strengthened

CONALEP Guanajuato and SEG authorities are working on strategies to improve education, increase school enrollment and retention of students Salama

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CONALEP Guanajuato and SEG authorities are working on strategies to improve education, increase school enrollment and retention of students

Salamanca/Gto News

The management team of CONALEP Guanajuato, led by the General Director, Nicolas Gutierrez Ortega, received at the CONALEP Salamanca Campus the Delegate of Region IV in Irapuato of the Secretary of Education of Guanajuato, Juan Luis Saldana Lopez.

The purpose of the visit was to hold a meeting to analyze the strengths, good practices, challenges and areas of opportunity of the education institution, to adopt strategies that allow increasing enrollment and strengthening student retention. This collaborative exercise reaffirms the commitment of CONALEP Guanajuato and the Guanajuato Education Secretary to the continuous improvement of Upper Secondary Education in the State.

“These types of meetings are essential to align efforts between institutions and ensure that our strategies are focused on the development of our students,” said Nicolas Gutierrez Ortega during the tour.

The visit is part of the new education policies of the Guanajuato Education Secretary, aimed at:

  • Increasing school retention
  • Reducing school dropouts
  • Strengthening fundamental learning in Higher Secondary Education

These actions seek to consolidate an inclusive and quality education system that allows students from CONALEP and the entire region to reach their full potential.

Delegate Juan Luis Saldana Lopez acknowledged the importance of these meetings to identify and enhance the strengths of each school, to generate concrete solutions to current challenges. “Working together, education institutions, society and authorities, we can ensure that more young people remain in the classrooms and successfully complete their studies” he said at the meeting.

Officials of CONALEP Guanajuato reaffirmed their commitment to work in synergy with all education actors to continue being an example in technical education in the State and in Mexico.

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