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Marca GTO and Contigo Si arrive in Chedraui

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Marca GTO and Contigo Si arrive in Chedraui

The State Government and Grupo Comercial Chedraui sign a Collaboration Agreement to sell Guanajuatense products The GTO Brand is a emblem of origi

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The State Government and Grupo Comercial Chedraui sign a Collaboration Agreement to sell Guanajuatense products

The GTO Brand is a emblem of origin, a symbol of quality, a commercial reference and a business commitment, said the Governor

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Silao/Gto News

Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, signed as Witness of Honor the Chedraui-Marca GTO-Contigo Si Alliance Agreement.

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This agreement formalizes the bonus campaign and the exhibition and sale of Gto Brand products in Chedraui supermarkets.

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“In Guanajuato we have always liked to team up with the best, that is why today we are making this cooperation alliance with the Chedraui stores”, said Rodriguez Vallejo.

“My appreciation to this great Mexican company for joining this effort to promote micro, small, and medium-sized businesses in Guanajuato”, said the Governor.

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This agreement will position GTO Brand products in Chedraui stores located in Guanajuato and Aguascalientes: there are 4 stores in Leon, one in Celaya, one in Guanajuato and two in Aguascalientes

With the Chedraui agreement, a 5% refund bonus is offered in the ‘MiChedraui’ electronic wallet for beneficiaries who have their ‘Gto Contigo Si’ card, on a minimum purchase of 500 pesos.

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With this collaboration agreement, said the Governor, “we all win”, since the trade of GTO Brand products in the supermarket is promoted, consumers will have excellent quality products on hand and local micro, small and medium-sized companies associate to a supermarket chain to achieve greater visibility, reach more customers and have higher sales.

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To obtain the discount on purchases, the Governor explained, the client-beneficiary must have the GTO Contigo Si Card, then scan a QR code at the entrances of Chedraui stores, at checkouts and service areas.

Provide name, cell phone, email, the GTO Contigo Si Card folio and in 72 hours the Chedraui wallet will be activated.

On weekends, SEDESHU modules will be installed in Chedraui stores to process the Gto Contigo Si Card.

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For the Government of Guanajuato, in addition to the Governor, the agreement was signed by the Secretary for Sustainable Economic Development –SDES-, Ramon Alfaro Gomez and the Secretary for Social and Human Development –SEDESHU-, Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo, while for the corporate it was done by the Assistant Manager of Special Sales of Chedraui stores, Leon Gustavo Rivero Hernandez.

Chedraui’s Legal Representative, Christian Jesus Bustamante, said that this alliance contributes to the economy of the people of Guanajuato and promotes local marketing.

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“We are proud to celebrate this agreement with the State Government in order to have the possibility of supporting the Guanajuatenses at Commercial Group Chedraui in Guanajuato and soon in Aguascalientes”, said Bustamante.

After the signing, an event was held at the Guanajuato Capital branch to kick off this alliance, the ceremoiny was attended by the Undersecretary of Operations for Human Development of SEDESHU, Aldo Marquez Becerra and the Undersecretary for the Development of Mipymes of the SDES, Froylan Salas Navarro.

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