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Libia takes good news to Dolores Hidalgo

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Libia takes good news to Dolores Hidalgo

The State Government will invest 63.1 million pesos for the execution of infrastructure works and social support From 2019 to 2023, the State Admi

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The State Government will invest 63.1 million pesos for the execution of infrastructure works and social support

From 2019 to 2023, the State Administration has allocated more than 501 million pesos to benefit Dolorenses

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Dolores Hidalgo/Gto News

The Secretary of Social and Human Development of the State of Guanajuato –SEDESHU-, Libia Dennise Garcia announced an investment bt the State for 63.1 million pesos for the benefit of the inhabitants of Dolores Hidalgo.


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The news was given during the Second Government Report of Mayor Adrian Hernandez Alejandri, who took the opportunity to thank the Secretary for the presence on behalf of the State Governor, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo.

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“I want to recognize the work that you have been doing, tell the citizens that they have a City Council that is always working, that knocks on doors, that has projects and that is generating actions for the benefit of its people”, said Libia Dennise.

The Official said that the state investment will be complemented by a municipal resource of 20.9 million pesos for the execution of works such as:

  • Rehabilitation of Santo Nino rural roads; Santos Marcos de Abajo; The Crane; Las Yerbas and Cerrito de San Pablo
  • Paving of Hidalgo Street and Libertad Street in the community of La Venta
  • Construction of the bus stops on the Guanajuato–San Miguel de Allende highway; and on the Dolores Hidalgo–Xoconostle highway
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With these actions, the resource is added to the more than 501 million pesos invested by the State Government in the last 5 years in the Cradle of National Independence.

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Mayor Adrian Hernandez thanked the State authorities, his work team and the citizens for the work done for over two years “because we know that we count on each and every one of you, let’s continue building this future that we want to leave to our children, to our grandchildren, let us continue working together and united, but, above all, strong. Let’s go on together doing more!”

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Secretary Libia Dennise, endorsed the commitment of the State Government to the municipality of Dolores, “a year of closure of the Municipal Administration and the State Administration is coming and we are going to close it with everything, because look, if we go alone, surely we will arrive faster, but if we go together, if we hold hands, if we work as a team, who can stop us? We are going to go further and further and we are going to do it proud of being Guanajuato, of having been born in the best State in Mexico,” said Libia.

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