The Government of the People presented the 2024 State Sports Award and recognitions to medalists of the National Competition System The athletes a
The Government of the People presented the 2024 State Sports Award and recognitions to medalists of the National Competition System
The athletes also presented a special medal to their families, to thank them for their support
Leon/Gto News
“Here are all the athletes who have been champions and have represented Guanajuato, you fill us with great pride, athletes who with their extraordinary talent and dedication have promoted the name of our State”, said the Governor of the People.

Libia Dennise García Muñoz Ledo, led the presentation of the 2024 State Sports Award and the presentation of recognitions to medalists of the National Competition System.

The Governor presented the 2024 State Sports Award to Guanajuato judoka and medalist at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, Prisca Guadalupe Awiti Alcaraz.

“When you support sports, the results are positive. When we encourage our children to practice sports and do so professionally, we are keeping them away from risky behavior. That is what we want, for the young Guanajuatenses to look at you as an example of what it means to have a healthy life and what it means to put your heart into each of your activities,” said Libia Dennise.
In the category of sports for people with disabilities, the swimmer Angel de Jesus Camacho, winner of a triple medal during the 2024 Paris Paralympic Games, was also recognized.

Christian Campos also received recognition as a conventional coach; and Rogelio Perez, as a coach with a disability. The women’s field hockey team won the award as a sports team; while the Guanajuato Swimming Association won it in the category of Promotion, Protection or Impulse to the practice of sports.
The 2024 State Sports Award is granted by the State Government, the Government of the People, through the Sports Commission of the State of Guanajuato -CODE-, in order to recognize the most outstanding careers between October 11, 2023 and October 11, 2024.

This jury was chosen by drawing lots and is made up of representatives of sports associations, three representatives of the media, one athlete and one coach who have won the award in previous years and three CODE authorities.
This award is one of the most important in recent years due to the results obtained by Guanajuato athletes both, national and international; in addition, a new category “teams” has been added.

Each winner receives 22 thousand pesos, a commemorative medal and the State Recognition of Sport.
At this event, awards were also given to medalists of the National Competition System, which is the set of national sporting events organized annually.

At the Nationals, Guanajuato placed 4th in the National Medal Chart for the first time thanks to 357 athletes of 26 disciplines who won 85 gold medals, 97 silver and 115 bronze for a total of 297.
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