More than 46 million pesos were delivered in hydraulic works, 63 deeds and productive equipment for 390 families San Diego de la Union/Gto News
More than 46 million pesos were delivered in hydraulic works, 63 deeds and productive equipment for 390 families
San Diego de la Union/Gto News
In San Diego de la Union Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo, Governor of Guanajuato provided hydraulic infrastructure, social support and deeds to some residents; with this, the family economy and self-sufficiency of the Sandiegans is strengthened.

To provide peace of mind and certainty to 63 households, the Governor delivered the deeds to families established in human settlements regularized with the State Program for Regularization of Land Ownership ‘Papelito Habla’, of the Government Secretary.

“I am about to shed a tear, imagining your uncertainty for 10, 20 or 30 years waiting for the document, today you will come home thinking that the property is already yours, with a paper that represents many years of work and effort. Today you are certain that it is your house,” said the Governor.

In the City of San Diego, with the program “My Productive and Sustainable Family” 90 tanks of 2,500 liters, 46 ecological stoves, 85 nixtamal mills, 59 modules for tortilla factories and 110 packages of dual-purpose poultry were delivered; benefiting 390 people, all with an investment of more than 2.35 million pesos.

With the “Sustainable Reconversion for Agriculture” program, 114,620 foder cactus plants were delivered, covering 22 hectares; the total investment for this support was 802,340 pesos, of which 561,638 pesos were provided by the People’s Government.

With the commitment to bring basic services to every corner of Guanajuato, the Governor delivered hydraulic works in San Diego de la Unión, which included the drilling of a well 450 meters deep to bring drinking water to each of the houses in the Community of Parritas and surrounding communities.

More than 46 million were invested in these actions, including executive projects, electromechanical well equipment, storage tanks, pipelines and construction of the sanitary drainage network.