Standard & Poor's Global Ratings, maintain a high credit grade for the City with 'mxAA+' The administration and solid liquid assests earns Leo
Standard & Poor’s Global Ratings, maintain a high credit grade for the City with ‘mxAA+’
The administration and solid liquid assests earns Leon a high grade by the rating institution
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Leon/Gto News
Leon is rated with a stable financial perspective, even with the spending pressure of inflation and the needs to invest in the City because of the growth in population, reports the rating company Standard & Poor’s Global Ratings, that ratified the Municipality the ‘mxAA+’ grade.

The world known US risk ratings agency in financial services, informed that, the public administration and its careful fiscal policies has allowed the City administrators to maintain a budget performance and a solid liquitity position even amid the challenging economic situation in Mexico.

Mayor Ale Gutierrez Campos has enforced actions in the City to promote its economic growth without affecting its citizens, a proof of that is that, last week she presented a draft to the City Council of Leon so that next year there will be no increase in the cost of water service and property tax.

The draft is intended to support Leoneses who need it more or that are in a vulnerable situation in today’s economic environment.

Also Standard & Poor’s Global Ratings reported that it is expected that the Metropolitan Area of Leon maintains its economic dynamism, which is mainly focused in the automotive sector.
They estimate that the expectation of the financial administration of Leon keeps in the line of careful fiscal policies that will alllow for the achievement of balanced fiscal results amid an environment of high inflation rates and the pressure of spending caused by the growth of its population.
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