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Launched, Center of Electronic Design and Integrated Circuits GTO

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Launched, Center of Electronic Design and Integrated Circuits GTO

It is a high-tech center, at the IECA in Silao, where specialized training will be given on PCB's printed circuit design The center strengthens th

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It is a high-tech center, at the IECA in Silao, where specialized training will be given on PCB’s printed circuit design

The center strengthens the program of the Valley of Mindfacture in Guanajuato

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Silao/Gto News

Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, inaugurated the GTO Center for Electronic Design and Integrated Circuits, where an investment of 10 million pesos was made.

Clases master

This is a high-tech center, located in the State Training Institute -IECA- of Silao, where specialized training will be given on PCB’s -Printed Circuit Boards- design.

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It is a necessary training center for Guanajuato, since it will provide specialized support to companies in the design and manufacture of integrated circuits.

“Projects like this are going to give us a competitive advantage, we are going to better prepare and train our young professionals in the majors of the future,” said the Governor.

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With this Center, we are strengthening the Valley of the Guanajuato Mindfacture, because we are betting on knowledge and innovation, said the Governor.

Rodríguez Vallejo invited educational institutions, students, the industrial sector, and entrepreneurs to discover all the possibilities offered by this High Technology Center.

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The Governor said that this center will graduate specialists who, with talent and entrepreneurial drive, will be creating high-tech companies that will take Guanajuato and Mexico to the next level of development.

Today a project that began in November 2019 becomes a reality. On that date a collaboration agreement was signed with the CINVESTAV Guadalajara Unit, through the IECA.

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With this agreement, in 2020 courses began teaching:

  • Design of PCB Printed Circuits
  • Design of Electronic Systems
  • Design of Integrated Circuits of Specific Application

Thanks to this initiative, to date 242 students from different universities have been trained in electronic circuits.

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Eleven people from the automotive company American Axle & Manufacturing were also trained.

And as instructors of this High Technology Center, 7 young specialists are participating after completing the three diploma courses given by the IECA in coordination with CINVESTAV in 2020 in electronic circuits.

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The Governor reiterated in congratulating the CINVESTAV Guadalajara Unit and the State Training Institute, for opening a world of opportunities for the youth and the industry of Guanajuato and the Bajio region.

It is aimed at academic institutions, students, the industrial sector, the general public.

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The Center offers courses in:

  • Electronic PCB design
  • Signal and communication quality tests
  • Application development for Industry 4.0
  • Embedded system application design
  • Chip (integrated circuit) design
  • Electronic design training

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