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Judea celebrated as it turns 150 years

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Judea celebrated as it turns 150 years

It is already 150 years of La Judea and 37 thousand spectators will come to Purisima La Judea is made to trascend and Authorities are expecting an

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It is already 150 years of La Judea and 37 thousand spectators will come to Purisima

La Judea is made to trascend and Authorities are expecting an income for 20 million pesos

La Judea Purisima del Rincon Guanajuato 2

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Purisima del Rincon/Gto News

La Judea 2023 will be held April 5th to the 7th 2023, with close to 650 characters of “jews” participating in the representation, and the goal is to attract at least some 37 thousand spectators.


New for the celebration of the 150 years of La Judea, there will be an exhibit with the historical line of transcendence and faces of some Purisimenses.

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Roberto Garcia Urbano, the Mayor of Purisima del Rincon, said that the heritage left by Hermenegildo Bustos in La Judea since 1873, was very possibly note even imagined by him in its long lasting and permanent value, as it was made to transcend, it has gone over its ow obstacles, and it has become an asset that is maintained generation after generation, even by those Purisimenses who have gone to other countries and who take it with them, not only in their hearts but in representations, like La Judea they present in Oxnard, California, or else they take the masks with them to different parts in the world, like: Egypt, Germany, USA, France either in education or cultural events, taken by migrants or in purchase by tourists themselves.

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In an event lead by the Director of Tourism Products, part of the General Direction of Tourism Development of Guanajuato, Frida Ximena Huett Lopez, they left it very clear that purisimenses enrich La Judea year after year, respecting every act.

La Judea represents the strongest attraction in economic spending in the season in Purisima del Rincon, with an expected 20 million pesos in spending this year.

La Judea Purisima del Rincon Guanajuato 5

The faces of La Judea

The photo exhibit for the 150 years of La Judea is called “Rostros de La Judea”, it will include photos presented by those who have been part of La Judea themselves, profesional photographers, media photographers and amateurs, this exhibit will be presented during April at La Casona.

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On the 150 anniversary of “La Judea Made to Transcend”, the local administration has worked to reinforce the passion of Purisimenses, in a joint work with students and teachers of the Superior Technological Institute of Purisima, they will present an interactive mural with the eight masks that are representative of La Judea, where the Purisimenses and tourists and visitors will know with the voice of the figures themselves the psychology and strength of characters like:

  • The Black Judas, the White Judas (The Sad One), the Major Devil, the Minor Devil, Malco, the Laughing One (The Taco), The Ranchero and The Time
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There will also be a panel where La Judea will be explained and told by students of the Technological Institute.

Civil Protection is asking the spectators to take care of themselves and their relatives, hydrating, protecting from the intense sun rays, wear a hat, if posible avoid the use of umbrellas because they represent a risk, although if they need them they will be able to use the umbrellas.

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The Direction of Public Security of Purisima del Rincon, will deploy a strategic operation to guarantee the security of each and everyone of the participants as well as the public who come to the celebration of the Holy Week, not just the presentation of la Judea, but in all the territory of Purisima del Rincon since visitors continue in their trips to places like:

  • Jalpa de Canovas, Canada de Negros and the City Center itself, all places that receive a great concentration of visitors.
La Judea Purisima del Rincon Guanajuato 9

The festivities for the Holy Week:

  • Palm Sunday April 2nd
  • Holy Monday April 3rd
  • Holy Tuesday April 4th
  • Holy Wednesday April 5th
  • Holy Thursday April 6th
  • Good Friday April 7th
  • Holy Saturday April 8th
  • Easter Sunday April 9th
La Judea Purisima del Rincon Guanajuato 10

La Judea 2023 will be held:

  • April 5th to April 7th 2023

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