The Magic Town Jalpa de Canovas in Purisima del Rincon received the emblem Best Tourism Village granted in mid October by the World Tourism Organizat
The Magic Town Jalpa de Canovas in Purisima del Rincon received the emblem Best Tourism Village granted in mid October by the World Tourism Organization -WTO- in Samarkand, Uzbekistan.

Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization -WTO- presented the emblem in mid October to Roberto Garcia Urbano, Mayor of Purisima del Rincon, who confirmed his appreciation for having Jalpa de Canovas considered internationally because its people are working hard on its environmental, cultural and social assets and its sustainable updating without losing its historical essence, in a work shared by the Municipality of Purisima del Rincon and the Government of Guanajuato.

“With this emblem Jalpa de Canovas, Guanajuato is in the international scope with a recognition as a noted example of a rural tourism destination, as it contributes to the Network Best Tourism Villages of the World Tourism Organization –WTO-, commiting with sustainability”, said the Mayor.

Secretary of Tourism of Guanajuato, Juan Jose Alvarez Brunel and Mayor of Purisima del Rincon will host the ceremony on Tuesday December 19th at 5pm.
Jalpa de Canovas/Gto News
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