92-year-old silaoan concludes primary school with INAEBA 21 Guanajuatenses aged 90 and over learned to read, write, or earned their primary a
92-year-old silaoan concludes primary school with INAEBA
21 Guanajuatenses aged 90 and over learned to read, write, or earned their primary and secondary certificates during 2022.
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Silao de la Victoria/Gto News
For Refugio Galvan Hernandez, 92, better known as “Don Cuco”, there was no obstacle to complete his primary education, he attended a study circle at the Institute of Literacy and Basic Education for Adults –INAEBA-. He remembered when he still walked, without anyone’s help, to the Silao House of Culture to receive his classes.

His tiredness when walking is notable, but he has a great memory that has brought tears to his eyes.
“What I received from you, I lost it when my father dies, he left ahead of us, and there was no way for them to take me to school, because oh how much I needed school!” Don Cuco said.

In his work life he was the driver of a passenger transport company, he said that he earned respect for his responsibility behind the wheel because the lives of the passengers were always his priority, however, he assures that lacking studies closed his doors to get a better job.

Now that he has obtained his certificate with a 9.4 average, he feels grateful to the INAEBA staff, “thank you, since you helped me with all that I know about primary school,” said Don Cuco.

Don Cuco regrets taking so long to make the decision to start studying, because not knowing how to read, write and lacking certain knowledge, he was the victim of abuse when carrying out procedures that were necessary for him.
For this reason, he hopes to be an example for young people and adults who live in a situation of illiteracy, or who want to finish primary and secondary school. He certified primary through the Educational Model for Life and Work –MEVyT-, which recovers knowledge and experiences of daily life and is flexible so that the student can advance at their own pace.

90 years old and over
Of the nearly 55,800 Guanajuatenses who completed some education level at INAEBA in 2022, there are 21 people aged 90 and over who have shown themselves and others that there is no age to study.
Of the total, 4 learned to read and write, 6 obtained their primary certificate and 11 their secondary school certificate.
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