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Irapuato will have a professional basketball team

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Irapuato will have a professional basketball team

In 2023 Irapuato will compete in the National Basketball League with a new franchise by the name of FRESEROS It will be women's and men's pro

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In 2023 Irapuato will compete in the National Basketball League with a new franchise by the name of FRESEROS

It will be women’s and men’s profesional teams and they will play at the Inforum

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Guanajuato/Gto News

The Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, said that the city of Irapuato will have a new Professional Basketball franchise, which will be participating starting this season in the National Professional Basketball League with the name of FRESERAS and FRESEROS.

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“Today I want to gladly inform all the people of Irapuato about the launch of a new professional basketball franchise. That it has been achieved jointly: the State Government, the Municipal Government and the private initiative”, said the Governor.

Rodriguez Vallejo said that the people of Irapuato deserve it; “They will have professional men’s and women’s teams that will be playing in the Inforum, which will be enabled for matches with a capacity of 3,000 attendees”.

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“I want to thank the president of the National Professional Basketball League, Sergio Ganem, for his vision of expansion, as well as the Mayor of Irapuato, Lorena Alfaro, for her decision for this great sports and social project. And bring professionalism back to his city”, said the Governor.

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“I also want to thank our friend Alejandro Marcocchio from the Pro-Bees Group, who is the current champion with the Abejas de Leon and will now also seek the championship with the FRESERAS and the FRESEROS of Irapuato,” said Rodriguez Vallejo.

“Sport is passion and it is life and it will also be an example for thousands of girls, boys and young people from Irapuato to be inspired and live healthy. Congratulations Irapuato”, said the Governor as he noted that for the first time in history, Guanajuato will have two professional basketball franchises.

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