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Irapuato: Growth is first

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Irapuato: Growth is first

196 works and more than 45 thousand other actions have been done for the benefit of Irapuatenses I am very proud of what the people of Irapuato ha

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196 works and more than 45 thousand other actions have been done for the benefit of Irapuatenses

I am very proud of what the people of Irapuato have achieved, said the Governor

Irapuato/Gto News

“It is a year of enthusiasm and passion to serve, of efforts to build a better present and future for everyone,” said the Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, at the first Report of Activities of Mayor of Irapuato, Lorena del Carmen Alfaro Garcia.


In the last year, the State Government allocated more than 1,232 million pesos for the comprehensive development of Irapuato.

“As Governor I tell you, I am very proud of what the people of Irapuato have achieved. I have always been here to support them and I will continue to support them, and supporting the City Council”, said the Governor.

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Among the completed works, said the Governor, are the construction of the junction at the intersection of the Fourth Road Belt; the rehabilitation and urban image of Ramon Barreto de Tabora and Juarez streets in the Historic Center and Abasolo square; the paving and rehabilitation of Bulevar Mariano J. Garcia, in the Bulevar San Roque-Prolongacion Avenida Insurgentes section; in addition to the paving and rehabilitation of Avenida Guanajuato, in the Calzada Insurgentes-Bulevar Mariano J. Garcia section.

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Also the Irapuato General Hospital Medical Specialty Clinic Tower is under construction; the 5th. Stage of the modernization of the road out to Salamanca; the reconstruction of the Boulevard Solidaridad-Carretera Federal 45-Avenida Siglo XXI.

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“It is a year of enthusiasm and passion to serve, of efforts to build a better present and future for everyone; It is a year of teamwork, done with the heart, to continue making Irapuato and Guanajuato the Greatness of Mexico”, said the Governor.

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The Mayor of Irapuato, Lorena del Carmen Alfaro Garcia, thanked the support of the State Government and urged Irapuatenses to collaborate in joint work, without differences or positions, and go from being spectators to being the main characters of change.

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“We are carrying out high-impact works that will allow us to have a cutting-edge city and we are carrying out actions of great social value”, said Alfaro Garcia.

“It has been a great joint effort with the State Government and we have exceeded expectations; I am proud of the women and men who are committed to making things happen,” said Lorena.

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There are many challenges to be faced on a day-to-day basis, said the Mayor  of Irapuato as she asked for the trust of citizens to be able to find a solution to their demands and, above all, “trusts to counteract the problem of insecurity, with the participation of the three levels of government”, said Alfaro Garcia.

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