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Investment to reactivate Leon

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Investment to reactivate Leon

10 great public works are announced to solve traffic in the City, some on Airport boulevard and other on the Malecon del Rio for example Streets,

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10 great public works are announced to solve traffic in the City, some on Airport boulevard and other on the Malecon del Rio for example

Streets, parks, schools, cycling routes, basic services and housing are promoted in the program

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Leon/Gto News

The Program for Economic Reactivation of Leon starts with more than 500 public works and actions with social goals, where $3,690 million pesos are invested.


Governor of Guanajuato Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo and Mayor of Leon Alejandra Gutierrez Campos, presented the strategy of infrastructure that includes City and State resources, for public works in the 7 delegations of the City.

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Mayor Ale Gutierrez noted that the accelerated growth of the City and its population pose new challenges that must be faced, with team work and joining strength for Leon, in the goal of doing more with less.

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“Our challenges are great, but we don’t give up, they won’t make us feel bad, the only thing it makes is be stronger, do things better and do more with less… we keep doing more with less and we keep looking how to funnel more resources for public works that really change the life of people; that is our great challenge”, said the Mayor.

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This Program of Economic Reactivation, noted Ale Gutierrez, includes 4 great sectors that have as a goal to put Leon at the vanguard and leave behind the impact caused by the pandemic:

  • Tourist promotion
  • Economic Strength
  • Hydraulic works
  • Infrastructure public works
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“This has not stopped us, because we are committed to make more with less, because we are a close, human, inclusive government”, said Ale Gutierrez.

The mayor also noted the strength, dedication and determination of Leoneses to recover lost jobs in Leon, observing the health protocols against the pandemic.

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“We want to leave running projects for the future, because it is not only what today this administration can do, it is what the City needs in the mid and long term… I have nothing else to do but thanks to all, let’s keep dreaming with the City we want, but let’s not just dream, let’s get up and work and let’s do our part”, said Gutierrez Campos.

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“In Guanajuato we not only work, the Mayor and I the Governor, to administer the problems we have; those should be faced, but we also have a mid and long term vision of how we want the City and the State, and of course, that is really valuable”, said the Governor.

This is how Authorities work to make of Leon a City that is alive, so that “leoneses can live in peace, healthy and better”, said the Governor.

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