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Innovators and entrepreneurs promoted in Celaya

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Innovators and entrepreneurs promoted in Celaya

The Valley of Mindfacture is strengthened with CREATIVIKA Celaya and GIE UNITESBA Celaya/Gto News With great enthusiasm and excitement, the CRE

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The Valley of Mindfacture is strengthened with CREATIVIKA Celaya and GIE UNITESBA

Celaya/Gto News

With great enthusiasm and excitement, the CREATIVIKA Node was inaugurated at the CRODE Celaya facilities. 

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IDEA GTO and CANACINTRA and the Municipality of Celaya opened this space to provide young entrepreneurs and businessmen in the Laja Bajio region with a place where they can carry out their ideas through sustainable development and energy efficiency.

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Juan Antonio Reus Montano, General Director of IDEA GTO, explained that this space is a hybrid between a research center and a unique technology park in Guanajuato, it has equipment and human talent with conviction to develop entrepreneurial ideas.

“The future is designed, it should not be inertial, it should be a matter of conviction, in Guanajuato the type of future we build is from the vision of the Valley of Mindfacture which has been cemented with concrete actions; having this node is one more trench for innovation to continue conquering territories, because it is with innovation that we Guanajuatenses design our own future,” said Reus.

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Juan Antonio said that Guanajuato currently has more than 70 points in favor of the entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem, it has 30 innovation and entrepreneurship gyms of which 4 are in Celaya, 20 certified incubators, 14 Mindfacture and social innovation nodes and the entrepreneur’s houses.

The Mayor of Celaya, Javier Mendoza Marquez, spoke about the importance of innovating through alliances because, he said, they work and they work well when talents work to the service of a single objective.

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“With the objective of creating an ecosystem consisting of innovation through technological linkage, the offer of services and products focused on the area of ​​materials, the IDEA GTO, CANACINTRA and CRODE Celaya alliance was created in order to have the necessary technical support to respond to the needs of businessmen and entrepreneurs, resulting in the CREATIVIKA Celaya Innovation Node, which will prove successful in this Valley of Mindfacture,” said Mendoza.

“This space will be a center where brilliant minds converge to challenge limits, develop disruptive ideas and create solutions for the challenges of our time. Celaya is an emblematic city for its history and entrepreneurial spirit, and today it marks a milestone by becoming an epicenter of innovation, with the help of IDEA GTO”, said Miguel Angel Melo Reyes, President of CANACINTRA Celaya.

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“Decisions must be made based on the dreams we have and where we want to go, that is innovation, yes it is doing things differently but with a different vision, Today I celebrate that at CANACINTRA we are making this dream come true”, said Miguel Naye Pirez, National President of Innovation of CANACINTRA.

The activities in Celaya continued with the BOOT CAMP GIE UNITESBA-CANACINTRA , where young entrepreneurs were able to demonstrate the development of their entrepreneurial projects.

Reus Montano spoke about the importance of these spaces for promoting innovation and entrepreneurship in students, also mentioning that this GIE joins the network of more than 30 Entrepreneurship Gyms and Innovation of Guanajuato.

“Today Guanajuato is the second national place in patent applications, that is, we are the second state below CDMX that is requesting patents before the IMPI, we are the third national place in registering inventions, today the people of Guanajuato are requesting the right about what we are inventing, because with Mindfacture it is possible to give its fair value to knowledge and in Guanajuato we know it”, said Reus.

“Today more than ever we are collaborating with IDEA GTO in the transfer of the Mindfacture Valley policy, we begin with the CREATIVIKA innovation node, which has the vocation of research and development, and where companies and any type of materials can be developed for industry; also, in this space, students will be able to develop their entrepreneurial ideas, validate them and enhance them, because today more than ever, knowledge, innovation and creativity have a greater value”, said Miguel Angel Melo Reyes, President of CANACINTRA, Celaya.

Joel O. Aguirre Rodriguez, Rector of UNITESBA, mentioned the importance that projects like this have for the next generations, especially because the students are prepared for entrepreneurship, innovation and the transfer of knowledge.

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The project provides a space conducive to the development of creative and technological processes, so attendees were able to tour the place allowing them to get up close and personal with the areas dedicated to promoting innovation.

With these actions, the Valley of Mindfacture is strengthened and consolidated, placing Guanajuato as the epicenter of innovation.