The Iconographic Museum El Quijote and the Guanajuato Institute for Handicapped People bring “Word by Sign” theater Mexican Sign Language for the
The Iconographic Museum El Quijote and the Guanajuato Institute for Handicapped People bring “Word by Sign” theater
Mexican Sign Language for the deaf community of Guanajuato us used by enSeña Teatro actors
Leon/Gto News
In order to bring closer the artistic and cultural expressions to people with some disability, the Iconographic Museum El Quijote -MIQ- and INGUDIS presented the clown theater show “Word by Sign” narrated with Mexican Sign Language, so that deaf people can enjoy it and for the learning and sensibilization of all the public at the State Fair Leon 2022 at the Guanajuato Pavilion in the Stand at Forum Cultural.

Theater for all
The show was presented by the company enSeña Teatro, a production for the deaf. The theater company is from Leon and in more than 10 years working they have developed plays, short movies, translations, workshops among many other cultural productions for the deaf in Mexico, most of them in Guanajuato.

Mexican Sign Language
“Word by Sign” by the enSeña Theater, presented the clown theater for the deaf and taught the public to communicate with Mexican Sign Language thanks to the work as a team of the Inocographic Museum El Quijote and INGUDIS.
Thanks to the collaboration, led by the INGUDIS General Director Jose Grimaldo, the event was enjoyed by handicapped and their families, who enjoyed the show and inter-acted with artists. The show was broadcast live on social networks of INGUDIS and of MIQ.

The classics
MIQ has cultural products for the deaf, like “Time for Tales” with fragments of the classics in literature and they are published in their own seal “Editions MIQ”. They have produced “The Little Prince”, “Popol Wuj” and “El Quijote” for kids, narrated with Mexican Sign Language by enSeña Theater.
These books are translated to indigenous languages like nahuatl, uza (chichimeca) and hñahñu (otomí), which are spoken in the North of Guanajuato, in order to promote reading for all, and make the plays available and preserve indigenous languages.

The MIQ offers fragments of its books narrated in Mexican Sign Languages.
The presentation by MIQ and INGUDIS can be seen on Facebook at:
First Part:
Second Part: