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INAEBA invites paisanos to complete school

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INAEBA invites paisanos to complete school

By passing a single exam migrants and their relatives can obtain their official certificate of basic education The Education withouth Borders prog

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By passing a single exam migrants and their relatives can obtain their official certificate of basic education

The Education withouth Borders program assits Guanajuatenses abroad

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Leon/Gto News

From December 16 to January 15, 2023, the Institute for Adult Literacy and Basic Education –INAEBA- has the December campaign of the “Education without Borders” program with the Single Exam Knowledge Recognition.


The migrants, as well as their relatives who are visiting Guanajuato during the December holidays, have the opportunity to certify their primary or secondary education, just by presenting a single exam.

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This program is aimed at people aged 15 and over; To register, they only have to present a copy of their CURP, and some official identification that can be their voter ID, passport or consular registration; after this they can take the exam. 

For those who seek to certify secondary school, they must also present a copy of their primary school certificate on both sides. If for any reason this document was lost, INAEBA staff will provide support to process it before the Ministry of Education.

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The municipalities that will be served with this program during this holiday period are: 

  • Leon, San Felipe, Irapuato, Dolores Hidalgo, Penjamo, Abasolo, Valle de Santiago, Celaya, Apaseo el Grande, Apaseo el Alto, Acambaro, Yuriria, Salvatierra and San Miguel de Allende.

State agency personnel will go to the communities of the municipalities to search door to door for migrants and their families who are interested in accrediting their basic education. In addition, they will urge the rural delegates to support them in detecting the people who require the service.

The Education without Borders program started in Guanajuato in 2016, and has the goal of providing education attention as a priority to Guanajuato residents living in the United States and Canada; it also serves residents, repatriates and their families, as well as foreign refugees in state territory who are behind in their education.

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For migrants who will not be visiting Guanajuato, but are interested in accrediting their basic education from the United States and Canada , they can visit the page:

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