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<strong>IDEA GTO presents </strong>‘N-Evolution’

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IDEA GTO presents ‘N-Evolution’

It is the new Comunity of Fashion and Design that it launches with APIMEX The new Project will use the structure of the Valley of Mindfacture to p

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It is the new Comunity of Fashion and Design that it launches with APIMEX

The new Project will use the structure of the Valley of Mindfacture to promote design and innovation

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Leon/Gto News

Strategic alliances allow Guanajuato to strengthen its capabilities in the entrepreneurial and business ecosystem, this is how through the IDEA GTO Mindfacture and APIMEX presented the Fashion and Design Community “N-Evolution”.

Clases master

Juan Antonio Reus Montano, General Director of IDEA GTO, presented to businessmen, entrepreneurs and students the opportunities offered by the entrepreneurial communities in the Valley of Mindfacture.

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“The trend today is to understand what is going to happen in the future in order to design the best possible present, this is how we work in the main cities and countries of the planet”, said the Director of IDEA GTO.

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Fernando Padilla, President of APIMEX, noted that APIMEX is seeking to evolve by doing things differently.

“This strategy is important because we want the entire sector to interact generating new ideas, the alliance with IDEAGTO is an interesting strategy when opening an innovation gym with a vocation for Fashion, since APIMEX has to be the detonator of fashion, creativity and innovation in this sector based on supply”, said Padilla.

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This community started on the right foot by having the renowned businessman Fernando Cuadra as a speaker, with the talk: “Designing the Future”.

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Cuadra shared his experience as a businessman, investor and entrepreneur, but above all he gave a lecture on his vast knowledge in business, his human warmth. His innovative and disruptive gene filled the room with new ideas for Leonese businessmen, as well as for entrepreneurs who are beginning to walk the path of entrepreneurship.

“The price of education is paid once, the price of ignorance is paid for a lifetime”

That was one of the lessons that Fernando Cuadra left to the entire attending community.

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The N-Evolution community going hand in hand with Mindfacture, as a public policy of Guanajuato, has as a goal to insert itself in all areas of innovation and education as one of the main sectors in which it must permeate to achieve a sustainable future, with development and competitiveness.

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