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Health acts against the heat

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Health acts against the heat

SSG delivers more than 138 thousand packets of Vida Suero Oral among the 46 municipalities Children and eleders should be cared for and watched

The Gto Health System is preferred over IMSS
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SSG delivers more than 138 thousand packets of Vida Suero Oral among the 46 municipalities

Children and eleders should be cared for and watched

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Guanajuato/Gto News

The Gto Health System protects minors from dehydration by providing sufficient Vida Suero Oral serum packets. Among the 46 Municipalities of the State, 138 thousand 836 packets have been delivered to parents or guardians.


Vida Suero Oral is used to recover electrolytes lost through sweating, diarrhea or vomiting and to treat cases of dehydration due to heat, diarrhea or vomiting, situations in which the body has rapid and severe fluid losses.

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The packets of Vida Suero are everywhere:

  • In Sanitary Jurisdiction I, 16 thousand 6 packets have been delivered
  • Sanitary Jurisdiction II, 15 thousand 544
  • Sanitary Jurisdiction III, 26 thousand 346
  • Sanitary Jurisdiction IV, 7,898 envelopes
  • Sanitary Jurisdiction V, 16,137
  • Sanitary Jurisdiction VI, another 10,000
  • In the Sanitary Jurisdiction VII, 31,829 packets of serum have been delivered
  • In the Sanitary Jurisdiction VIII, another 15,076 envelopes

The Gto Health System recommends that mothers go with their baby to the nearest health unit in case of symptoms of dehydration.

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Some of the symptoms are:

  • Dry mouth and tongue
  • Cry without tears
  • Do not wet diapers for three hours
  • Sunken eyes and cheeks
  • Sunken soft spot on top of head (fontanelle)
  • Irritability
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Lack of hygiene is the main factor for contracting a diarrheal disease, for this reason the Gto Health System insists on washing and disinfecting fruits and vegetables, not eating expired food or of dubious quality or origin and cooking food very well, especially fish and shellfish.

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The most effective hygiene measure is frequent hand washing with soap and water when coming home from the street, before preparing food, before eating it, after handling raw food, after going to the bathroom, and after changing diapers.

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