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Guanajuato supports migrants in Florida

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Guanajuato supports migrants in Florida

Guanajuato offers free legal advice to the migrant community living in Florida As the Law SB  1718 is now in force mani undocumented migrant

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Guanajuato offers free legal advice to the migrant community living in Florida

As the Law SB  1718 is now in force mani undocumented migrant workers face problems

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Guanajuato/Gto News

The State Government, through the Secretary for Migrants and the International Link, offers free legal advice to the Guanajuato migrant community residing in Florida, after the entry into force of the Law SB 1718 as of July 1.


Juan Hernandez, head of the agency, said that this is a very severe provision that will affect thousands.

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“Given this scenario, and on the instructions of Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, in a direct action, the Secretary for Migrants and International Affairs will offer legal advice to those who are affected.”

The State Government made available to Guanajuatenses who reside in the US the legal advice and services of lawyer:

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In the same way, the four Guanajuato liaison offices in the United States will be open to assist the countrymen who require it, not only on legal advice regarding the Florida Law, but also for any other type of help they need before other instances.

The Official of Guanajuato specified that in the southwestern zone of that country, according to experts on the immigration issue, there are more than 25,000 Guanajuatenses, many of them in Florida.

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Hernandez explained that this law has a budget of 12 million dollars to relocate immigrants from Florida to other states, a situation that has been taking place for several months, when several groups of undocumented immigrants were sent to Martha’s Vineyard, in Massachusetts.

Companies with more than 25 employees are required to use the E-Verify system to certify the immigration status of workers. If they hire undocumented immigrants they will get a fine for a thousand dollars a day.

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Identification cards and driver’s licenses from other states will no longer be valid. The opposite is the case in New York, where immigration status is not required to obtain a driver’s license, compared Hernandez.

In the case of hospitals, the Official pointed out that the staff must collect information on the immigration status of patients and report quarterly to the Government of the State of Florida, in case of not doing so, they face sanctions.

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“The point that has caused the most indignation is the one that prohibits transporting undocumented immigrants to Florida. If they do, the drivers could be accused of human trafficking and sentences of five years in prison and fines of 5 thousand dollars are established if the undocumented person is of legal age. But 15 years in prison and fines of up to $15,000 if there are minors in the vehicle”, said Juan Hernandez.

Migrant women leaders join in and provide support

Faced with this panorama, since last Thursday, migrant leaders visited the crop fields in the United States to offer their solidarity and support to the countrymen.

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In this regard, Veronica Toscano Leger, director of Casa Enlace Guanajuato in Atlanta, Georgia, said that this approach was in conjunction with Isaret Jeffers, known as “La Paisanita” who is president of the federation of Guanajuatenses in Florida and of the organization that helps farm workers of the “Colectivo Arbol”, they and a delegation went to tell them that they are not alone and that they have the support of the Guanajuato government.

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“We also visited a photo exhibition at the Mexican consulate in Orlando, Florida of field workers, there we expressed our support for the people of Guanajuato. In the fields there is fear and uncertainty, since some have small children born here and what they say is that if they are deported or a raid comes, what will happen to their children”, said Toscano Leger.

In the end, Veronica Toscano said that the migrants hope that the law will not be so severe, since they only work in the fields, considered that these jobs are heavy and nobody, including US citizens, want to do it.

For more information on the support program of the State of Guanajuato call:

  • 473192 7361
  • 4734599794

And in the United States contact directly at: 

  • 678 522 7179 
  • Facebook: @MigranteGto
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