More than 6.6 MP are invested to keep it in optimal conditions The length of this State highway that connects the Capital with Silao is 14.1 kilom
More than 6.6 MP are invested to keep it in optimal conditions
The length of this State highway that connects the Capital with Silao is 14.1 kilometers
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Guanajuato/Gto News
A total of 6.6 million pesos, are invested by the Secretary of Infrastructure, Connectivity and Mobility -SICOM-, to maintain the Guanajuato-Silao highway, which benefits more than 16 thousand 500 users who daily use this road.

Tarcisio Rodriguez Martinez, head of the SICOM, reported that the routine maintenance work on the highway has registered an advance of 47.8%.
He explained that the works are done along the 14.1 kilometers in both directions of this State toll highway.

Rodriguez Martinez explained that, among the routine conservation works are:
- Cleaning tasks for drainage works, cleaning hydraulic concrete gutters, cleaning the road surface, isolated surface patching with hot asphalt mix, placing marks on the right line, central and left in yellow and white, placement of retro reflective buttons

Rodriguez Martinez said that the routine maintenance tasks done by SICOM, in the 2,857 kilometers of state highways, are permanent throughout the year and are made in the 46 municipalities of Guanajuato, to provide greater comfort and security to the Guanajuatenses and the people who pass through the State for work, tourism or business.
With actions like this, said Rodriguez, the instruction of Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, is observed so that the roads of Guanajuato are the best in Mexico and with this, a factor to be taken considered when promoting the attraction of investments and tourism.
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