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Guanajuato ready to help Guanajuatenses in Ecuador

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Guanajuato ready to help Guanajuatenses in Ecuador

The government of Guanajuato is on the lookout for Guanajuatenses in Ecuador Guanajuato/Gto News The government of Guanajuato, through the Migr

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The government of Guanajuato is on the lookout for Guanajuatenses in Ecuador

Guanajuato/Gto News

The government of Guanajuato, through the Migrant Secretary and International Affairs, remains aware of the situation that has been going on for a few days in the cities of Quito and Guayaquil in Ecuador.

Susana Guerra Vallejo, Secretary of Migrants and International Affairs, said that the instruction she received from Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo is to establish communication and contact with Mexican Officials in that country, to corroborate the possible presence of Guanajuatenses in that country.

Ecuador Guanajuatense Assistance Guanajuato 3

“According to figures from the Institute of Mexicans Abroad, they have been identified through consular license plates issued to 45 Guanajuatense residents in Ecuador. 

However, there could be a greater number given various reasons such as:

  • Tourism, business, academic or research, activities that don’t require to have a consular registration
Ecuador Guanajuatense Assistance Guanajuato 4

Guerra Vallejo said that because of this situation, personnel from her agency have already maintained communication with the Mexican Embassy in Ecuador to exchange data and information about Guanajuatenses and find out if they have requested support to be able to take the necessary steps to safeguard their well being.

“So far we have no record of any Guanajuatense who has been affected by the situation in Ecuador or who requires support to move back to Guanajuato. However, at the Migrant Secretary and International Affairs we will remain attentive 24 hours a day, and in coordination with the federal authorities to help any Guanajuatenses who are there and who require our support”, said Guerra.

Ecuador Guanajuatense Assistance Guanajuato 5

Guerra Vallejo said that the Mexican Embassy in Ecuador asked any Mexicans in Ecuador to contact the telephone number: 

  • 593-99-494-0153, operating 24 hours a day or

Contact the Guanajuatense Secretary of the Migrant and International Affairs at: