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Guanajuato Police instructors finish their preparation

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Guanajuato Police instructors finish their preparation

The State Secretary of Security Alvar Cabeza de Vaca participated in the Graduation ceremony of the Instructor Training Program, sponsored by INL thr

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The State Secretary of Security Alvar Cabeza de Vaca participated in the Graduation ceremony of the Instructor Training Program, sponsored by INL through the United States Embassy in Mexico

11 FSPE Instructors commissioned to INFOSPE and eight members of Internal Affairs of the SSPE finished their Training Course

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Mexico City/Gto News

The State Secretary of Public Security Alvar Cabeza de Vaca Appendini participated in the Graduation Ceremony of the Crime Prevention Instructor Training Program, Community Police, Internal Affairs and Attention to the Gender Violence, sponsored by the Office of Anti-Narcotics Affairs and Law Enforcement (INL) through the Embassy of the United States of America in Mexico.

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The United States Ambassador to Mexico, Ken Salazar, delivered a message in which he thanked the participation of more than 250 people from the Public Security Secretaries of 28 state and municipal public security corporations, including of course the State of Guanajuato, as well as various municipalities of Mexico.

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This event is part of the collaboration in public security matters called the Bicentennial Understanding, included the participation of Maribel Artime, Leonardo Arteaga, members of the Miami-Dade Police Department; Leah Pease and Michelle Acevedo of INL.

19 elements graduated, eight people who belong to the Internal Affairs area of ​​the SSPE and 11 active elements commissioned as instructors before the State Public Security Training Institute -INFOSPE-.

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With the participation of Guanajuato in these courses held both in the city of Miami, United States, as well as in the city of Puebla, Mexico, the State Government, through the Secretary of State Public Security, strengthens the body of specialist instructors of State police commissioned to INFOSPE for police training and professionalization work.

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The INFOSPE instructors, committed to the construction of a Safe Guanajuato, will have to replicate in the future the model to both active and initial training police officers; as well as with their state and/or municipal counterparts.

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The Government of Guanajuato, through the SSPE, expressed its endorsement and commitment to ensure professional development and standardization of best practices in the police practice; being a subject of permanent interest to consolidate security and peace in Guanajuato.

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