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Guanajuato is less poor than the national average

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Guanajuato is less poor than the national average

More than 570,000 Guanajuatenses overcame poverty, while 77,750 overcame extreme poverty Libia Dennise presents the results of CONEVAL 2022 on the

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More than 570,000 Guanajuatenses overcame poverty, while 77,750 overcame extreme poverty

Libia Dennise presents the results of CONEVAL 2022 on the rates of poverty

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Celaya/Gto News

The Secretary of Social and Human Development –SEDESHU-, Libya Dennise Garcia announced the results of the multidimensional registry of poverty by the National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy -CONEVAL-, corresponding to Guanajuato during 2022.

Clases master

Guanajuato achieved the lowest level of poverty since 2008, the year in which CONEVAL began with this registry; in the last two years:

  • Poverty decreased by almost 10 percentage points
  • Going from 42.7% to 33%, a figure that places Guanajuato even below the national average
  • The national average is 36.3%
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“This translates not only into this percentage, but we are talking, today, that 575,935 people from Guanajuato overcame poverty, and that is undoubtedly the result of teamwork, not just the government, but also the proactive collaboration of society”, pointed out Libia Dennise.

In moderate poverty, there was:

  • A decrease of 8.4 percentage points
  • It went from 38.2% to 29.8%
  • 498 thousand 185 people overcame moderate poverty
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In the case of extreme poverty, there is also:

  • A decrease of 1.3 percentage points
  • 77,750 Guanajuatenses left behind extreme poverty

“This is the poverty that hurts the most and it is an issue that we continue to work on in a very important way, but we see that it is where the gap between the national average and the percentage of extreme poverty in Guanajuato widens significantly,” said Libia Dennise.

Extreme poverty in Mexico is reported as:

  • Percentage is 7.1%
  • In Guanajuato it is 3.2%

Guanajuato ranks as the sixth state that reduced poverty the most according to the CONEVAL measurement, “this commits us and gives us clear signs that the strategy that has been implemented in this continuity of social policy has given good results, but it also motivates us to continue working in a very important way to continue reducing poverty rates in Guanajuato,” said Libia.

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Libya Dennise attributed these results to the strategy launched by Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, called Guanajuato With You Yes, which transversally involves more than 25 agencies with more than 80 programs and actions of a social nature that have a significant influence.

“Without a doubt, I would emphasize that it is this continuity that has been giving good results in Guanajuato, today what we are presenting is good news for Guanajuato”, said Libia Dennise.

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