The Governor of Guanajuato announced the start of a support program to finance investigation and technological development in the State Federal su
The Governor of Guanajuato announced the start of a support program to finance investigation and technological development in the State

The new fund is called –Mindfactureit- and it will be increased in an Alliance with the private sector
Guanajuato/Gto News
Governor of Guanajuato Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, announced that he has ordered the Secretary of Finance to create a starting Fund of $100 million pesos, to sponsor investigation, the transformation of knowledge and the technological development in Guanajuato.

Clear and firm message
“Today I want to send a very clear and very firm message to Guanajuatenses who dedícate their lives to science, technology and innovation. You are not alone. My Government is with you”, said the State Governor.
That is why, he said, this new Fund is created, it is called -Mindfactureit-, and it will be possible to increase it in Alliance with the private sector.

“We will do this through the Institute of Innovation, Science and Entrepreneurship for Competitiveness, better known as IDEA GTO, said the State Governor.
Rodriguez Vallejo said that legislators from Morena passed a law that affects many sectors of the national life among them science and technology.

3 investigation centers affected
In Guanajuato, said the Governor, this decision may affect directly 3 centers of investigation connected to the National CONACYT, well renowned for their advances and their work for the society.
The CIATEC, the Center of Applied Innovation and Competitive Technologies. The CIO Center of Investigation in Optics and the CIMAT, Center of Investigation in Mathematics.

Adversity and creativity
Now that the Mixed Fund CONACYT-GUANAJUATO is declared extinct, in all some 300 million pesos will not get to researchers in Guanajuato, that money was used to support science, technology and innovation, said the Governor.
“Upon these federal cuts that affect Guanajuato, I want to tell you that when we face adversity, creativity surges”, said the Governor.

A fundamental element
“That is why in Guanajuato we will firmly go on supporting science, technology and innovation because we are sure that those activities are a fundamental part for the economic reactivation of our State”, said Rodriguez Vallejo.
“Each peso that is send to this Fund, will contribute directly to consolidate an entrepreneurial, competitive and trend-setting State. Also, each peso will support the dreams, talent and creativity of women and men from Guanajuato”, said the Governor.

Horizon of success
“And each peso will help us keep on in the horizon of success that we all want, winning both in the national and international scenery”, said Rodriguez Vallejo.