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‘Guanajuato has the best health system in Mexico’

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‘Guanajuato has the best health system in Mexico’

The staff is the most important part of the State health system The Governor launches the CAISES 10 de Mayo in Leon, the first Digital Health Unit

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The staff is the most important part of the State health system

The Governor launches the CAISES 10 de Mayo in Leon, the first Digital Health Unit in Latin America

Also an investment is announced for SUEG which is equipped with 12 new ambulances

Leon/Gto News

The Governor of Guanajuato Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, declared inaugurated the Center for Integral Atention of Esential Health Services (CAISES) 10 de Mayo, the first Digital Health Unit in Latin America.

This puts Guanajuato as the State with the best health system in Mexico, said the Governor.

“We are betting on the health for the benefit of Guanajuatenses, that is why we work in more infrastructure, and better services with quality and warmth; in this CAISES we will develop a new attention model to avoid users to make long lines”, said the Governor.

Rodriguez Vallejo thanked and recognized the support of the Fundation Carlos Slim to promote the Unit of Digital Health in Guanajuato.

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More ambulances for the SUEG

Millionaire investment

The investment in this new CAISES was for 36 million pesos and it will be good to service 55 thousand people from the surrounding areas.

In the event the Governor also announced that 12 new ambulances are added to service of the System of Urgencies of the State of Guanajuato (SUEG), one of the best systems in Mexico, said the Governor.

The Governor also announced the purchase of 5 more ambulances with an investment of 2 million pesos for the SUEG. Last year the SUEG system made 40 thousand transportations to 627 clinics and hospitals of the State Secretary of Health.

best health system
Rehabilitation is an important part in the CAISES 10 de Mayo

More health investment

The Secretary of Health, Daniel Alberto Diaz Martinez, said that 22 million pesos were invested to purchase the 12 ambulances and that they will be assigned for use in 10 municipalities.

Diaz Martinez also said that the Digital Health Unit will have a MIDO Module –Integral Measuring of Opportune Detection-, a tool developed by the Carlos Slim Institute for Health.

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Officials with CAISES staff

A Digital Health Unit:

  • At the MIDO they can rapidly detect obesity, hipertension, diabetes, cholesterol and renal diseases
  • The unit will also use –electronic clinic files- for all its patients
  • It also will manage electronic vaccionation cards
  • The benefits it implies, among them are, the easy share of the clinic history of patients in case of medical emergency.
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Civilians try to have a photo with the Governor