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Guanajuato is protected by 19,128 security elements


Guanajuato is protected by 19,128 security elements

In Guanajuato, the coordination of the three levels of government constitutes a public security force of 19,128 elements, corresponding to a rate of

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In Guanajuato, the coordination of the three levels of government constitutes a public security force of 19,128 elements, corresponding to a rate of 3.10 percent for each thousand inhabitants

Guanajuato/Gto News

Guanajuato, in compliance with article 21 of the Constitution, works in a coordinated manner among the three levels of government. This has made it possible to establish a state, municipal and federal public security force of 19,128 elements, which corresponds to an index of 3.10 security elements per 1,000 inhabitants.

The National Public Security System sets its standard at 1.8 police officers per 1,000 inhabitants within the Optimal Model of the Police Function.

Article 21 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States establishes in its ninth paragraph:

  • “Public security is a function of the State to be performed by the federation, the federal States and the municipalities, their purposes are to safeguard the life, freedoms, integrity and heritage of people, as well as contribute to the generation and preservation of public order and social peace, in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution and the laws on the matter”

The presence of municipal and federal police, in coordination with the State Police, plays crucial roles in the public security of Guanajuato and contributes to maintaining security and social peace.

Guanajuato faces the challenge of public security through better quality in the training of its State police, combined with decent working conditions and a public policy that considers State public security personnel as true public servants, necessary for the construction of better conditions of peace and tranquility.