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Guanajuato celebrates 200 years of freedom and sovereignty

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Guanajuato celebrates 200 years of freedom and sovereignty

“We have a glorious history to continue building a present and a brilliant future; from this Free and Sovereign state, we will continue giving the be

A celebration marks 200 Years of Guanajuato
Leoneses celebrate Greatness of Guanajuato
A concert brings to an end celebrations for 200 years

“We have a glorious history to continue building a present and a brilliant future; from this Free and Sovereign state, we will continue giving the best for Mexico”: Governor

The Flag and Shield of the State of Guanajuato are presented; December 20 is constituted to honor these symbols

Guanajuato/Gto News

“Guanajuato has always been and continues to be, a protagonist in national history; we are the Cradle of Independence and also the Cradle of Federalism; from Guanajuato we promote the fight for freedom and independence and promote national unity”, said the Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo.

The Governor was at the commemoration of the 200th Anniversary of Guanajuato being established as a Free and Sovereign State, on December 20, 1823.

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“There are 200 years of recognition of a glorious history, full of heroes and heroines who built our great State, but also of people who currently inspire us to continue making of Guanajuato the Greatness of Mexico”, said the Governor.

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National history, he added, registers pages of glory written with the talent, creativity, and love for Mexico of Guanajuatense women and men, to whom today a tribute is paid.

They are Guanajuatenses who ventured into all areas of national life, such as art, culture, cinema, music, research, the creation of institutions, among many other areas, said the Governor.

“Today more than ever we have to be proud of Guanajuato, we must continue building our destiny and contribute to our country”, said Rodriguez Vallejo.

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“Mexico would not be understood without Guanajuato, because Guanajuato has been there in the most important moments of our nation, and Guanajuato would not be understood without the value of our people,” said the Governor.

When presiding over the solemn session of the Celebrations Commission for the 200 years of Guanajuato as a Free and Sovereign State, the Governor presented the new Flag with the official Coat of Arms of the State of Guanajuato to the escort of the State Public Security Forces -FSPE-.

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December 20 was established as Flag Day of Guanajuato, in which, from today, authorities of the State will carry out civic days of commemoration, respect and exaltation of the Labarum.

“From now on, we have in these emblems the expression of our decision and our will to continue being the Greatness of Mexico”, said Rodriguez Vallejo.

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“I call on all the inhabitants of Guanajuato to make them (symbols) their own to know their meaning and thereby foster love for our land. We are going to carry them high, as the maximum expression of our love for our State,” said the Governor.

The Flag of Guanajuato is rectangular in white, with a golden frame and in the center contains the Shield.

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The Shield of Guanajuato is on a gold plate with the image of the Santa Fe in the center; at the base it is linked in a shell supported by two branches of laurel tied by a blue ribbon, resting on a marble-like shelf; the Shield has a crown supported by a platform of acanthus leaves.

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This celebration was chaired by the Governor of Guanajuato at the facilities of the Palacio de Los Poderes Museum, where he was with the Secretary of Government, Jesus Oviedo Herrera; the President of the Supreme Court of Justice and the Council of the Judicial Power of the State of Guanajuato, Ma. Rosa Medina Rodriguez; the President of the Congress of the State of Guanajuato, Miguel Angel Salim Alle and the Commander of the 16th Military Zone, General Enrique Garcia Jaramillo.

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There were also Mayors and members of the Legal and Extended Cabinet of the State of Guanajuato.

Then, the delegation moved to the Collegiate Basilica of Our Lady of Guanajuato, where a mass of thanksgiving was concelebrated for the 200 years of the State of Guanajuato.