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Group clinches investment for millions in China

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Group clinches investment for millions in China

IKD, a company of aluminum components announced the investment in the visit of the group from Guanajuato to the People’s Republic of China Ningbo,

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IKD, a company of aluminum components announced the investment in the visit of the group from Guanajuato to the People’s Republic of China

Ningbo, China/Gto News

During the tour of attraction of investment in Asia, the group of Guanajuatense Officials had a reunion with representatives of the company IKD, in People’s Republic of China.

This company announced during the visit an investment for 3 thousand million pesos in Guanajuato, this investment would create up to 3 thousand jobs.

IKD is a company that is established in Ningbo, with 20 years in the market manufacturing aluminum pieces for automobiles.

The company does research, development, production and sale of aluminum cast alloys of high precision for automobiles.

The main strategy of development of IKD is to produce near its customers high quality products at a lower price, close to the location of the company and its customers. Most of its production goes to the United States of America.

The products of IKD are used in systems like:

  • Windshield Wipers, transmission, steering wheel, engine, brakes and mirrors, among other

IKD has already set up its first plant in the Castro del Rio Industrial Park, in Irapuato, where it serves customers like:

  • Bosch, Valeo, Mitsubishi, Mubea and Seg Automotive, mostly

The main products it manufactures in Irapuato are:

  • Interlock and accelerator systems and alternator chargers

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