They will be supported with productive projects for their integration into the economic dynamics of Guanajuato The migrants are originally from Je
They will be supported with productive projects for their integration into the economic dynamics of Guanajuato
The migrants are originally from Jerecuaro and lived in Kansas City
Guanajuato/Gto News
As part of the actions of the Assisted Return Plan for Guanajuatense Migrants implemented by the State Government following the instructions of Governor Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo, the Secretary of Human Rights supports a group of ten people originally from the municipality of Jerecuaro who resided in Kansas City and who were deported by the United States government.

The support that will be provided to them consists of productive projects in construction, stationery, grocery and food sales, furniture stores, among other. Likewise, they will be given support and advice to process their official identifications, in addition to the fact that personnel from the Secretary made health and education support available for these people.

The Assisted Return Plan for Migrants from Guanajuato has a protocol divided into three types of care:
- Advice and support in the United States
- Assist at border points where they could be deported to Mexico
- Assist in Guanajuato, where the Government of the People is ready with the implementation of transversal programs so that this is a return with opportunities and development
As of February 23, 2025, the Government of Guanajuato has provided assistance in the Liaison Offices located in the cities of Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Antonio to 225 Guanajuatense migrants for possible deportations.

Likewise, in Guanajuato, 39 deported migrants have been assisted, who have been given advice and support to generate their identity documents such as birth certificates, INE credential, CURP, among others. Also, they receive financial support for repatriation expenses, productive projects and labor certification workshops.
For more information on the Assisted Return Plan for Migrants from Guanajuato, please visit:
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