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Tag: NegociosenGuanajuato

Tequila Maradona is ready for international market

Tequila Maradona is ready for international market

After long years of negotiations and planning Tequila Maradona is ready to go into the distillates market Da click en el link al final de la nota [...]
Guanajuato protects nature

Guanajuato protects nature

Conservation works were carried out in more than 468 hectares in 31 municipalities with 9 conservation works every week of the year covering 2/3 of t [...]
Jabs cleared for kids 6 months old

Jabs cleared for kids 6 months old

US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky signed off on Covid 19 vaccinations for children under 5 on Saturday, cl [...]
Ale es Alcalde Electa

Ale es Alcalde Electa

Consigue un Cabildo sólido con dos síndicos y siete regidores azules; está lista para sumar a la oposición por el bien de los leoneses. Ale Gutiér [...]
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