Governor Libia Dennise and Marisol Suarez Correa, Secretary of the Agriculture, confirm the support of the State Government to farm producers Guan
Governor Libia Dennise and Marisol Suarez Correa, Secretary of the Agriculture, confirm the support of the State Government to farm producers
Guanajuato/Gto News
The Governor of the People, Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo, reaffirmed her commitment to support the women and men of the Guanajuato farming sector with programs, equipment, technology and training, in order to strengthen the State’s agro-industrial sector.

“It is an activity that brings us great pride, because we have lands that produce, we have hard-working men and women who get up very early to work the land and practically the entire territory of our State has some type of crop,” said the Governor during the most recent broadcast of Conectando con la Gente.
Libia Dennise was with Marisol Suarez Correa, the first woman to head the Secretary of Agriculture.

One of the programs discussed was “My Productive and Sustainable Family,” aimed at people from remote and vulnerable communities. This program, operated by the Secretary of Agriculture, aims to increase the availability and access to food to strengthen the food self-sufficiency of people living in rural areas of Guanajuato.
The goal is to provide tools and useful species for food preparation and even for the creation of micro and small businesses. This is intended to improve the nutrition of the beneficiaries and their families, as well as to improve the economic income of their households.

Another component of this program is training, which encourages collaborative participation in their communities, showing better techniques for backyard production, as well as for the transformation of primary products for the benefit of the families and communities.
Libia Dennise said that in addition to this program, the aim is to benefit women in a transversal way with the Aliadas Strategy, by linking programs with other agencies and supporting women in the Guanajuato farming areas.

The Governor explained that 82 percent of the beneficiaries of this program are women, who are empowered by these activities and support, by becoming providers for their homes.
The Governor and the Secretary of the Agriculture also spoke about the DACIA project (Agro-Food Development of Agriculture through Artificial Intelligence), a virtual assistant that provides interactive assistance, answering questions related to support programs for the farming sector, the status of support folios and general information about the Secretary.
The goal is to improve and bring closer the attention provided to the producers of the Guanajuato agriculture sector through DACIA.

Information can be consulted through DACIA from a cell phone or a computer. Interested producers only need to access the website of the Secretary of Agriculture:
and write a message with their questions; they can also do so from the chat on the Facebook page, or by scanning a QR code that will direct them to a chat with DACIA on their WhatsApp application.
Governor Libia Dennise and the Secretary of Agriculture, Marisol Suarez, announced that personnel from the department will travel to the most remote communities to disseminate the programs and learn about the needs of the women and men who work in agriculture.
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