They visit the projects that the State Government and GIZ-Mexico jointly execute under an international cooperation scheme Da click en el link al
They visit the projects that the State Government and GIZ-Mexico jointly execute under an international cooperation scheme
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Guanajuato/Gto News
Leaders of the German Technical Cooperation Agency –GIZ- recognized the work done in Guanajuato in favor of the development of environmental projects in collaboration with international institutions towards social competitiveness with vision for the protection of natural resources.

The head of the Ministry of Environment and Territorial Planning –SMAOT-, Maria Isabel Ortiz Matilla led the reception of the visit to Mexico of leaders of the global offices of the German Technical Cooperation Agency GIZ.
Upon their arrival in Guanajuato, they made a field visit to the projects that the State Government and GIZ-Mexico jointly execute under an international cooperation scheme.

They made visits and talks with executors and beneficiaries of the programs that the State Government is carrying out in collaboration with the GIZ in the Protected Natural Areas -ANP-, Cuenca de La Esperanza and Cuenca de La Soledad, with the emblematic project of Tourism and Environment -recognized worldwide-; as well as in the city of Leon, to review the integration of processes with the support of NAMA PYME, in Tenería Panamericana.
Guanajuato was one of the two States along with Mexico City, in all of Mexico that was visited by the GIZ high-level team.

It was attended by Ute Böttcher, who in a few weeks will take over the leadership of the GIZ office in Mexico, as well as the current Resident Director Marita Brömmelmeier; Matthias Giegerich and Jürgen Popp, Head of Division for Asia, Pacific and Latin America and the Caribbean and Head of Department for Latin America and the Caribbean respectively, of the global offices of the German Agency for Technical Cooperation GIZ.

In a reunion with Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, Matthias Giegerich recognized the State’s long-term planning, as well as the investment and competitiveness that it has, with a vision that incorporates the environmental issue.
The Governor noted the achievements for Guanajuato like the foreign investment achieved in recent years. He mentioned that Guanajuato welcomes work for collective benefits, job creation and care for natural heritage.

“In the last 5 years we have had collaboration with at least 10 GIZ projects in Guanajuato, with great results ranging from renewable energy in schools and climate change adaptation issues in the tourism sector, to consulting and development of climate-neutral SMEs”, said the Governor.
Jürgen Popp and Marita Brömmelmeier mentioned that knowing about the work that the State Government is currently doing to work on its Guanajuato 2050 Development Plan, GIZ will continue to support green recovery in Guanajuato with a vision of integrated solutions.

Secretary Maria Isabel Ortiz Mantilla mentioned that the integration of a vision of sustainability is a task led by the Governor, and that today there are great advances in environmental matters, which have an integrated approach to biodiversity, climate change and desertification, but without sacrificing the competitiveness of the private and productive sector in Guanajuato.
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