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‘Fulfill your dreams and achieve your goals’

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‘Fulfill your dreams and achieve your goals’

The dancer from Guadalajara, Isaac Hernandez, offered a motivational talk to high school students The Artist thanked the Governor, Diego Sinhue Ro

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The dancer from Guadalajara, Isaac Hernandez, offered a motivational talk to high school students

The Artist thanked the Governor, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, for making it posible that events of this level come to Guanajuato

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Leon/Gto News

“You have to be brave to make decisions, to take risks and to move forward,” said the Mexican dancer, Isaac Hernandez, to high school students who attended a talk by the Artist at the Bicentennial Theater Roberto Plascencia Saldana.

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He said that the idea of ​​life for any child is to be free, to think about their moment to be happy and have dreams, but they are not able to achieve them, and that is the precise moment to begin to shape the path of the person, without affecting the personal dreams.

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“The social situation of each generational era does not determine anyone’s future”, said Plascencia, “since everything depends on the personal intention and the dreams and goals that each person sets for themselves”. Isaac stressed that family and environment support is important to achieve the objectives.

The 33-year-old dancer, originally from Guadalajara, is the seventh of 11 children, he is the son of dancers and he recalled that his family was poor, but his parents’ intention was to make of him and his brother and sisters good people and achieve their goals in life.

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Isaac recalled that as children, his parents made him practice some dance as a hobby, but he never imagined that he would have the success that characterizes him today as best dancer in the world.

Hernandez said that the time he spent with his parents in the backyard of the house practicing ballet and playing some instruments was one of the best moments of his life, because he shared time with his parents, and sharing with his family has been one of the best opportunities that life has given him.

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“I am not here by my own effort or because I have wanted to be in this life; nothing is built alone, you always need other people who are behind you, who support you, like my family or the technical team of the Teatro del Bicentenario who, since we arrived, have given us a very pleasant surprise and welcome”, said Isaac.

“Life is built in community, we are a society and I have a fortune: a family where we are eleven associates and in addition to my parents who have always supported us,” said the dancer.

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Plascencia said those present that the life of youth is the precise moment to build character and discipline, because later on one is exposed to vulnerable situations or moments that can affect the idea and even the integrity of the person.

He said that in this society personal responsibility is a characteristic that must be shared, because the future of a city, a state, a country, and the world as a whole, is everyone’s responsibility and depends on the goals that we set individually.

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“It is important to know the individual possibilities, because from there you can start to make decisions and they must be shared, and together with society, it is a paradise of unlimited possibilities to improve our environment”, said Isaac.

“Although it suddenly seems that there are no more opportunities in life, the opportunity to get ahead also suddenly arrives and the opportunity must be seized, because it may be the only one”, said the dancer.

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“Never be satisfied with being what you already are, there is a thought that says that the moment one is satisfied with what one already is today, there is no future, nor creativity, nor desire to do things differently and improve, nor to work; you can say that you already did it, but you always have to have goals to achieve”, he said.

He added that trust is a constant in his career to make decisions, and asked students to give themselves the opportunity so that their innate instinct identifies the opportunities that may be available and it will be precisely the instinct that will solve the needs that arise in life.

“I feel very proud of who I am and of this moment, of the opportunity to share part of my life and experience with you,” he added. Isaac Hernández thanked the Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, for the opportunity to perform at the Teatro del Bicentenario, which he said is like the best venues in the world, and where he will perform on July 1 and 2 in two performances with a sold out.

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