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From Japan, more investments and jobs

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From Japan, more investments and jobs

Governor of Guanajuato announced the generation of 875 new jobs by the automotive company Yazaki, with an investment of 30 MD The Governor visited

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Governor of Guanajuato announced the generation of 875 new jobs by the automotive company Yazaki, with an investment of 30 MD

The Governor visited the Sumitomo company, which increases the commercial and business relationship now in the agricultural sector

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Tokyo, Japan/Gto News

The Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo, announced the creation of 875 new jobs at the Yazaki plant, as a result of his work tour of Japan.

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The State President met with the directors Yasuhiko Yazaki, Honorary President and Riku Yazaki, President CEO, accompanied by the operations team in the American continent of this automotive company, with whom he discussed the vision of technological development and innovation for its plants located in Guanajuato, where an investment of 30 million dollars will be reached.

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“This company is focused on the satisfaction of its staff and generating a positive impact in the communities where it operates. For this reason, it is a pleasure to announce that they will be generating 875 new jobs this year,” said Rodríguez Vallejo.

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Yazaki Corporation is an independent manufacturer of automotive components first established, in 1929, as “Mitsuya Electric Wire”, founded by Sadami Yazaki; and already in 1941 it was established as Yazaki Corporation.

In addition to automotive wire harnesses, it develops and manufactures gauges, electronic components, and a host of products for automotive use.

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Yazaki has a global presence in 45 countries, 10 in the American continent, which includes the plants located in Leon and in Guanajuato Interior Port in Silao.

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On the second day of his tour of the Japanese country, the Governor also visited the automotive company Sumitomo, a company that will increase its commercial and business relationship with Guanajuato, now exploring the agricultural sector.

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Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo attended the Innovation Department of the Sumitomo Corporation Central Office, where he spoke with Okuni Yujiro, General Manager of Agro-Innovation and Nagaoka Hideyuki, Mobility Business Manager, with the aim of learning about practices that improve the sustainable agriculture through the use of smart and clean technologies.

“This great world-class company already has a presence in our state, especially in the automotive industry, and now we will be exploring to strengthen what we already have and open up new opportunities. We will continue working with Sumitomo to bring more jobs to families in Guanajuato,” said the Governor.

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