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Flavor of Guanajuatense tequila arrives in Colombia

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Flavor of Guanajuatense tequila arrives in Colombia

The Hermanos de Sangre brand by Tequila Huani, makes its first export to Colombia with the help of COFOCE More Guanajuato in Colombia, Tequila wit

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The Hermanos de Sangre brand by Tequila Huani, makes its first export to Colombia with the help of COFOCE

More Guanajuato in Colombia, Tequila with a Flavor of Greatness

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Leon/Gto News

The Coordinator for the Promotion of Foreign Trade, -COFOCE-, continues to encourage Guanajuato companies to take their products to more parts of the world.


This time Tequila Huani, a company located in Huanimaro, Guanajuato, signed its first contract to export tequila to Colombia hand in hand with COFOCE through a brand created to go into the Colombian market called “Hermanos de Sangre”.

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The signing took was held at the Buenavista Buenavista restaurant in Leon, Guanajuato; with the participation of Luis Ernesto Rojas Avila, general director of the Coordinator for the Promotion of Foreign Trade.

“We are celebrating the pre-launch of two great products that we are convinced will be a great success and will be the first stone that will pave the way for more products. The first is “Hermanos de Sangre” tequila and, of course, ELIXIR, which we are sure will be a great success story, not only in Colombia but throughout the world; we are convinced that this is moving forward”, said Rojas Avila.

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“I thank my team, Jorge, Luis, Asael, we all will be collaborating in this task and well, we will bring more Guanajuato to Colombia and more Guanajuato to the world”, said Rojas.

“First of all I want to thank COFOCE and the State Government for all the support we have received; for helping us to generate this type of encounters or links with international companies as is the case of this link that is being made with Colombia; it is part of the great work of the people of COFOCE. For us it is very important because it supports a negotiation, it gives security; for us, opening a South American market means growth, not only in Colombia, we are already talking about going to Venezuela and other countries. This support that COFOCE gives us is security for the negotiation, that is very, very important for us, because then you have traceability”, said Miguel Angel Rodriguez Martinez, director of Tequila Huani.

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This contract was signed for a period of 10 years, in which Tequila Huani will have a presence in the Colombian market. Two of the representatives of the purchasing company were present at the event.

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“Thanks to COFOCE for endorsing this project so that we internationalize this product created for Colombia, it is a pleasure for me to be here representing ROCCO Global, at such an important moment for our companies, writing a new story that leads us to the birth of a cultural expression of two countries that unite under a single feeling through the Hermanos de Sangre brand. Today it is a reality, today we sit here to say: We take a piece of Guanajuato with us to Colombia”, said Angel Aduen executive director for Latam of Rocco Global Services.

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The buyers from Colombia had the opportunity to taste the Elixir product, a 100% Guanajuato product that offers a variety of “mixers” for the world of cocktails. Lola Ximena Diez Barroso Cuillery was present, she is the general director of the brand and presented this project to international buyers.

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Learn more and join the companies that today bring more of Guanajuato to the world.

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