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FIG Leon brings a Night of Magic to CDMX

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FIG Leon brings a Night of Magic to CDMX

FIG 2022 organized a Magic Night at the Zocalo in Mexico City Mayor of Leon Ale Gutierrez said that Leon is waiting for visitors with open arms

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FIG 2022 organized a Magic Night at the Zocalo in Mexico City

Mayor of Leon Ale Gutierrez said that Leon is waiting for visitors with open arms

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Mexico City/Gto News

Thoosands in Mexico City enjoyed a “taste” of the International Ballon Festival –FIG- with a Night of Magic where many balloons were inflated and alit at the Zocalo in downtown CDMX.


As part of the activities of the FIG 2022, Mayor of Leon Ale Gutierrez Campos and the Festival organizing committee and Authorities of Guanajuato and Mexico City were present in Night of Magic in the Zocalo of Mexico city.

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“Today we are here to invite you to come to this great Festival, today you will have only a sample. Today we want you to know that we are waiting for you with our arms open wide. Just for you to have an idea, this year we will have 121 events in Leon and this is one of the most important”, said Ale Gutierrez.

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Thousands of families enjoyed this experience at the Zocalo, where ballons of the FIG 2022 were alit to the rythm of music, while they were anchored.

Ale Gutierrez invited everyone to visit Leon and visit the Balloon Festival which will be held November 18 to the 21 at the Metropolitan Park and will present 200 balloons that will go up and will go through the skies in Leon.

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Gutierrez Campos said that visitors will find quality services, from hotel rooms, restaurants and mainly its people: “The most important that that we have in Leon is its people, warm people”, said Gutierrez Campos.

Besides the balloons the FIG will have many musical shows and the Magic Nights, an event  that is held year after year on the shore of the dam “El Palote”. This year is the 21st Edition of the FIG.

“During the year Guanajuato has great events because it is an excellent tourist destination. Guanajuato has always been known for having a varied tourism offer”, said Juan Jose Alvarez Brunel, the Secretary of Tourism of Guanajuato, who was in the event representing Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo.

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