The memory of the FIC is immortalized in a commemorative book for its 50th anniversary The book has texts and testimonies of relevant characters i
The memory of the FIC is immortalized in a commemorative book for its 50th anniversary
The book has texts and testimonies of relevant characters in the Cervantino history in Guanajuato, it reinforces the identity and pride of being Guanajuatense
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Guanajuato/Gto News
The Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, led the official presentation of the book “International Cervantino Festival 50 Years”, which commemorates the first half century of the main cultural festival in Mexico.

This publication edited and printed by the State Government, contains in its pages texts and photographs that enhance the identity and pride of being Guanajuatense.

“Without a doubt, this work perpetuates this illustrious 50th anniversary of the International Cervantino Festival. Our recognition to all the people who have generously participated in this work that is, in itself, a tribute to the Cervantino and to the women and men who have left their mark on the history of this Festival”, said the Governor.

The book has texts and testimonies from characters who have had something to do with the Cervantino history in Guanajuato, such as:
- Jose Vidaurri Arechiga, Jorge Olmos Fuentes, Luis Miguel Rionda Ramirez, Carmen Beatriz Lopez Portillo Romano, Sergio Vela, Ramiro Osorio Fonseca, Marcela Diez-Martinez Franco, Octavio Sosa Manterola, Estela Lenero Franco, Juan Arturo Brennan, Rosario Manzanos Gonzalez, Gloria Maldonado Anso and Carlos Ulises Mata Lucio, among other

The book is available in its printed versions, but it can also be downloaded for free with a QR code that will be visible on advertising totems, placed at various points in Guanajuato during this festival.

The publication takes you on a tour of moments framed since 1972, with the artistic and cultural movement that began as a University Theater and was officially consolidated as the FIC, paying homage through its name to the outstanding Spanish writer and playwright Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra.

In this journey through the 50 years of the FIC, experiences of presentations belonging to all artistic disciplines are told, from music, dance, theater, to visual arts and artists of the highest level and worldwide recognition are mentioned, both local, national and international.

“It is a publication that must be celebrated and promoted. A book that honors the greatness of the FIC and a tribute to its history. I am sure that this book will inspire new generations and will strengthen the identity and pride of being Guanajuatense”
Diego Sinhue Rodiguez Vallejo
Governor of Guanajuato
“The International Cervantino Festival has not only put Guanajuato in the eyes of the world. It has also had an important social function, by bringing the best of artistic manifestations -classical and contemporary- to audiences that otherwise would not have the opportunity to enjoy them,” said Rodriguez Vallejo.

The Governor made a tour of the exhibitions that are presented in various stages of the Cervantine Capital City of America.
Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo visited the Polivalente and Hermenegildo Bustos Galleries of the University of Guanajuato, where “Korea: Cubically Imagined” is presented, a sample of the main creative voices of Korea today through immersive environments.

The exhibition presents a wide range of experiences within 15 installations that present new cultural narratives, transcending the borders between past and future, tradition and innovation.
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