Governors of the Federalist Alliance launched the technological platform to attract foreign investment Ten States in Mexico are working to attract
Governors of the Federalist Alliance launched the technological platform to attract foreign investment

The platform informs on the advantages of investments in every Alliance State
“Invest in Mx” will promote the virtues that Mexico and specially the 10 State members of the Alliance offer to investors from all the world, and as it is launched, the States are looking to improve the regional development in strategic sectors to achieve investment of greater added value.

Jobs and policies
Roberto Russildi Montellano, the Secretary of Economy of the State of Nuevo Leon, said that they also have the goal to put up a strategy of international promotion and find new mechanisms to create jobs and develop an industrial policy.
“The teams of Economic Development of the member States have been working with different international organisms and we have communication with the Pacific Alliance, Pro Peru, Pro Chile and Pro Colombia”, said Russildi.

Establishing connections
“Also with the association of offices from the United States in Mexico, with National Index we have a strong collaboration and today we work with the European Economic Community”, said Russildi.
One of the goals of ”Invest in Mx” is to reposition the brand Mexico in the world, potentialize the trade agreements where Mexico is a member and promote new productive chains in Mexico.

Take advantage of circumstance
Another goal is to identify projects of foreign investment with possibilities of development in the State members of the Alliance and use the moment when there is a situation between USA and China that is relocating the production processes to America.
“This lets us be in the vanguard in technology having a strategy that concentrates the information that investors, the brokers, the suppliers and businessmen require”, said Russildi Montellano.

A year of great demand
Mauricio Usabiaga, the Secretary of Economic Sustainable Development said that “it is a great opportunity, not only for the 10 States that are part of the Alliance, but for all of Mexico”, Usabiaga noted that “in Mexico we have a great advantage, because 85% of all the export go to USA, and we are all expecting to have a year of great demand in the North American market”.
“Invest in Mx” concentrates the strategic sectors in each State. The platform leads us to visualize regional clusters for the foreign investments. It offers strategic alliances like data on geography, weather, connectivity and also the infrastructure in industry, security and logistics offered in each State. The platform will let investors know all the economic data of each State in the Alliance.