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Events strengthen fashion industry in Guanajuato

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Events strengthen fashion industry in Guanajuato

The 3rd edition of the “Fashion Show” will be held on November 9 and 10  in Moroleon. An alliance of the State Government and the Fashion Cluster

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The 3rd edition of the “Fashion Show” will be held on November 9 and 10  in Moroleon. An alliance of the State Government and the Fashion Cluster

This strategy has become a great creative platform, that fosters the union between suppliers, designers and producers

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Leon/Gto News

To  position Guanajuato as a destination for fashion and business that generates economic benefits and promotes traditional sectors such as textile-clothing, the SDES, in coordination with CANAIVE, will carry out the 3rd. edition of the “Fashion Show”, a strategy that is added to the activities of “Guanajuato Inspiration that dresses, November fashion month”.


In this innovative space, visitors will immerse themselves in an ocean of design and creativity, thus bringing creative, modern, disruptive ideas to their businesses and companies, but above all, aligned with the trends that are about to dominate the fashion industry.

Fashion Economy Guanajuato CANAIVE 3

Ramon Alfaro Gomez, head of the Secretary of Sustainable Economic Development –SDES-, highlighted that these strategies promoted by Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, are fundamental to strengthen the economic and commercial activity of the area, discover new talents and project the creativity of Guanajuato at a global level.

Fashion Economy Guanajuato CANAIVE 4

Alliances like these not only help those behind each garment, footwear, crafts and jewelry, but also encourage the end consumer to acquire a product of high quality and excellent manufacturing.

Fashion Economy Guanajuato CANAIVE 5

This event seeks to be an innovative space, conducive to bringing together information on fashion trends, marketing and new ways of doing business and it is a project that promotes and drives the growth of industrial manufacturers in the textile and clothing sector, offering new opportunities for those who are part of it.

The program is available at: 

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