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Entos: A success story

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Entos: A success story

Creations from Guanajuato Lingerie made by a Guanajuatense entrepreneur and producers conquers the markets in New York A designer from Guanajua

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Creations from Guanajuato

Lingerie made by a Guanajuatense entrepreneur and producers conquers the markets in New York

A designer from Guanajuato creates and produces a line of women’s garments that are well accepted in markets in three countries; Fernanda Mena wants to be all over the world

Leon/Gto News

To survive in today’s market, brands must offer not only excellent quality products, they also should offer innovation and give an “extra” that is sought by consumers.

Under this principle, designer Fernanda Mena created “Entos Lingerie” two years ago, an atelier in Guanajuato that makes fine lingerie in a versatile  and innovative way that provides security and empowers women.

“They are garments that are very versatile, that you can use as a night dress, as a go-out under-suit. They can be used with jeans and with a casual style and you can even used them with lingerie; then the fact that we created these garments with a very good quality, the same quality as HIGH END but with a much lower price and which can be used in different forms, that makes Entos a very competitive brand in the market”, said Fernanda Mena, the designer and also entrepreneur.

Fernanda worked a few years ago in Madrid with the designer Agatha Ruiz de Prada and while she was learning about the business, she took an intensive course of lingerie and corsetry to create a brand of lingerized clothes.

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Fernanda Mena has all the expertise

Products #MadeInGto

Each year Entos goes to Paris to the Interfiliere, an international fair where they look for suppliers to make their creations at home, with a 100% Mexican workforce.

“This dream of being able to create our own products always included offering jobs to Mexican women, as a matter of fact I am really proud of what we have been able to achieve and the advance we have achieves as a team here in our company; everyone, well almost everyone are Mexican women, mothers, then I think that us women have a lot to give from ourselves and people who work with me give everything day after day and that shows in their production, in the quality of their products”, said Mena.

Entos covers all the needs of garments among women

With the big names

In last February, Entos showcased its products at Curve, the biggest fair in North America in lingerie, and the success was impressive.

“We were able to show our products next to international brands, there were more than 300 brands and they chose the most innovative brands and those that participated in a contest of “teach off” where you show your brand and among the brands that were chosen we were called the favorite brand in the fair in New York and the voters were all the buyers, then it was something really nice”, said Fernanda Mena.

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Staff at Entos

Tools that yield a result

In its history, Cofoce is a very important pillar for growth, because all the tools that they have provided they have been able to capitalize in a good way.

“I am thankful because I didn’t know Cofoce, I knew the organism through a course that I made at Tec, it was Fashion Marketing and they have supported us in different forms, among them the registry of our brand in the United States, they have supported us with resources for digital marketing and the strategy of all the campaign, with resources for the web page, they supported us with 80% of the cost for our stand at Curve; besides financial support, they have adviced us a lot, all the staff, they have a very well trained team, incredible and who have supported us mainly in advice in areas that we didn’t know and less so in the North American market, and then all the part of the online sales, they have practically advised us also with the legal and fiscal part on how to maintain our brand in the USA and this time we showcased at Curve, they helped us a lot with all the logistics”, said Mena.

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The opening of a showcase by Entos

Entos Online

Today the lingerie by “Entos Lingerie” is sold online; besides they have a showroom in Miami and its garments are already sold in Houston through a big multi-brand boutique.

“The truth is that I see Entos in Asia, in the Middle East. Since I started this project it was always attractive to go over there and sell, but once we have gone into the American market and the European market, that would be my goal. Being able to design and then tropicalize collections and tendencies for the different zones in the world; each market is very much different, all tendencies must be tropicalized, it must go with the user, and well, I don’t know, we saw it a lot now in Miami, the kind of garments they love over there have nothing to do with what we sell in Mexico, then it is a little bit that one must adapt to each market”, says Fernanda. Among the new goals they have one is sell their products in more states of the United States, a dream they are already working on.

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Fernanda Mena, happy with results