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Dolores has a historical tree

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Dolores has a historical tree

The State is already celebratying the 200 years of the end of the War for National Independece A tree descendant of an ancient historical tree was

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The State is already celebratying the 200 years of the end of the War for National Independece

A tree descendant of an ancient historical tree was planted in the Megapark

Dolores Hidalgo/Gto News

The Governor of Guanajuato and members of the City Council and the mayor of Dolores Hidalgo and State Officials, planted an –ahuehuete- in the Bicentennial Megapark in Dolores Hidalgo as part of the Commemoration of the 200 Anniversary of the End of the War for National Independece.

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A historical lineage

The ahuehuete is a grandson of the ancient and historical ‘Tree of the Sad Night’. It is believed that the conquistador Hernan Cortes cried by the trunk of an ahuehuete as he fled from Tenochtitlan after losing a battle against the fierce inhabitants and defenders of the city in 1520. The ahuehuete of the story was already centennial, and the tree planted in Dolores Hidalgo is a direct successor of that tree of legend.

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A historical family of trees

The new species at the Megapark is a direct descendant of the ahuehuete in the Plaza del Grande Hidalgo, planted in 1921 in Dolores Hidalgo, on the celebration of the Centennial of the National Independence.


Conservation of sites

The Governor also supervised remodeling work on the facade and roof and dome in the Temple of Our Lady of Dolores. The remodeling was under direct watch by the Vice Secretary of Building and Special Projects of the Secretary of Infrastructure, Connectivity and Mobility (SICOM), and the Direction of Conservation of the State Institute of Culture.

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The call for independence

This works help preserve the Cultural Patrimony of Mexico since it was in this temple that the priest Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla performed the –Grito de Dolores-, which started the War of Independence of Mexico on the night of September 15th 1810.

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The Governor committed to continue the actions of conservation of historical sites so that they are in good shape for the upcoming Independence celebrations in September.

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