Guanajuato’s gastronomy is recognized as Intangible Cultural Heritage Guanajuato dazzled at FITUR 2025 with its gastronomic and cultural treasures
Guanajuato’s gastronomy is recognized as Intangible Cultural Heritage
Guanajuato dazzled at FITUR 2025 with its gastronomic and cultural treasures
Madrid/Gto News
In order to attract new markets and introduce the richness of our gastronomy abroad, Guanajuato presented to business partners, tour operators and international media, the best of its tradition and identity in the International Tourism Fair -FITUR- in Madrid, Spain.
At this event, held with the support of the Delegation of the Government of Guanajuato, not only the unique flavors of our state were highlighted, but also its ability to position itself as a tourist destination of excellence, thus strengthening the value chain and generating greater opportunities for Guanajuatense families.
With her vision to connect producers, entrepreneurs and chefs, promoting local consumption and preserving heritage foods as key elements of our cultural identity, Governor Libia Dennise García Muñoz Ledo instructed the Secretary of Tourism and Identity, led by Lupita Robles Leon, to promote “Guanajuato ¡Si Sabe!”, a public policy that is key to the economic and tourism development of the value chain.
The event in Madrid was not only a celebration of our gastronomy, but also a strategy to strengthen commercial and tourist ties between Guanajuato and the international market.
In this gastronomic experience, key people from the tourism sector tasted a selection of dishes that reflect the essence of our cuisine with starters such as guacamayitas leonesas, chilorio mushroom gorditas, huitlacoche tamales with goat cheese, esquites and golden tacos with tuna sashimi.
The menu included Abasolo-style carnitas tacos, shepherd tacos and chicharron tacos, accompanied by traditional sauces like, guacamole, pico de gallo and pickled nopales. For dessert they offered tamales made with cajeta, Mexican sweets, strawberries with cream, tres leches cake, quince paste, cajeta gelatin with rompope and honeyed fritters.
These dishes, authentic emblems of Guanajuatense cuisine, are part of the products that give identity to our State and position it in the world. They were prepared by the caterer Rita Campos, accompanied by Jonathan Martinez, from Xocola-T; and Candy Perez, from Corralejo tequila, together, they managed to transmit the essence of Guanajuato in each dish and drink.
Through international events like this, Guanajuato strengthens its position in the global market, generates jobs and promotes the well-being of communities.