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Crime rate goes down in Guanajuato

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Crime rate goes down in Guanajuato

Guanajuato applies public security policies that have contributed to the reduction of crimes A reduction in the crime rate is registered in some

Security plans are enforced
Huett highlights security in Guanajuato
All join efforts for security

Guanajuato applies public security policies that have contributed to the reduction of crimes

A reduction in the crime rate is registered in some municipalities

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Guanajuato/Gto News

Guanajuato applies public security policies that have contributed to the reduction of crimes in Guanajuato, and that in coordination with the Federation and the 46 municipalities, face national challenges of which we cannot be left out, like organized crime, arms trafficking, drug dealing, among other.

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Before Mayors participating in the VII session of the Association of Capital Cities of Mexico, the Executive Secretary of the State Public Security System, Sophia Huett Lopez, explained that in Guanajuato, and as a result of the different public policies that have been applied in terms of security, there are successful examples such as the municipalities of Celaya, Apaseo el Grande and Apaseo el Alto, where the decrease in homicides has been around 50 percent, and regarding vehicle theft, it has been reduced in 95 percent in urban areas, thanks to the direct action of the municipal police.

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Huett Lopez explained that a challenge that is being faced by the State is the professionalization of police institutions, since currently it has the best paid police, with a salary of 13,740 pesos, higher than what is established at the national level and we must work to raise the profile, encourage recruitment in universities, to attract professionals in different areas that allow us comprehensive solutions in security.

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Other firm actions to deal with insecurity issues include in Guanajuato, the application of the State Fund for the Strengthening of Municipal Public Security, which already has accumulated one billion pesos in its fifth year of operation; which are state resources that are delivered in direct equipment to the municipal police officers, and in professionalization services, prior compliance with 46 commitments established by law in terms of security.

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By an agreement of the State Public Security Council, the commitment to support the training of police officers with courses such as:

  • “Positive Parenting” was added, to teach them to be better parents, and give them tools to have a harmonious family and that you can apply in the exercise of your profession when facing cases of domestic violence or juveniles involved in crimes
  • Human and professional development, which contribute to giving them a life project and improvement
  • Training on addictions through the Planet Youth program, to adequately guide prevention actions
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Also from the Executive Secretary of the State Security System, we promote the course “Strengthening for the Leadership of Women in Security Institutions”, with the support of the University of Guanajuato with the participation of 35 policewomen from 11 municipalities.

This course aims to provide them with tools so that they can access leadership positions and experience transformation processes in leadership issues, with methodology from Harvard University and INSEAD, with topics ranging from:

  • Development of team management skills
  • Conflict resolution
  • Negotiation
  • Analytical skills
  • Decision-making on operational issues
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“Because we are convinced that when women and men sit at a table to work as a team, comprehensive decisions can be made in favor of society and for security,” said Huett Lopez.

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