Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo, provided support for the agro-food sector in San Diegio de la Union. “I come to confirm my co
Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo, provided support for the agro-food sector in San Diegio de la Union. “I come to confirm my commitment with you. We are going to support San Diego de La Unión in its needs and continue working for those who have the least”, said the Governor.

With the ‘My Productive and Sustainable Family’ program, the Secretary of Agro-food and Rural Development (SDAyR), delivered 36 packages of dual-purpose birds, for breeding and poultry.

The goal of this program is to provide technical and scientific knowledge to the people of the Rural Production Units for the production, conservation, transformation and use of food; as well as promoting the diversification of food production.

“This program helps the family economy a lot because there is food at home with egg production every day, and it is also a way of working as a family,” said the Governor. The State and Municipality contributed with capital for these actions.

500 bales of cattle feed were also delivered, donated by the Irrigation District 011, in recognition of the work that the Municipality and the State Government have done for the Guanajuato countryside.

In addition, fertilizer was delivered from the ‘Support for the Strengthening of a Technological Package’ program, to contribute to the increase in the production of corn and sorghum under the rainfed modality, planted by production units.

With these actions 148 people were benefitted, they are from La Granja, La Noria, La Presita, Ovejas, San Juan Pan de Arriba, Venadito and Varal, Puerta de Cadenas and Desmonte.
San Diego de La Union/Gto News
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