The boulevard in Irapuato will strengthen pedestrian and cyclists safety and will boost economic activity in the area In this fifth stage of const
The boulevard in Irapuato will strengthen pedestrian and cyclists safety and will boost economic activity in the area
In this fifth stage of construction 73.5 million pesos are invested
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Irapuato/Gto News
The fifth stage of the modernization of the Solidaridad boulevard presents an advance of 64 percent, as reported by the head of the Secretary of Infrastructure, Connectivity and Mobility, Tarcisio Rodriguez Martinez.

The state official pointed out that, with these actions that represent an investment of more than $73,500,000 pesos, mobility in the area will be improved, for the benefit of the more than 463,000 inhabitants of this municipality and those who come en go by the área for work reasons or for tourism.

The Official said that as instructed by the Governor Guanajuato Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, the safety of pedestrians and cyclists who travel in the area is also strengthened, with the construction of a bike path and sidewalks in both directions of the road.

The works on the Solidaridad boulevard, corresponding to the fifth stage, are carried out in two sections, from the intersection with Calzada Guadalupe to the Alvaro Obregon overpass.
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