Spaces for youth participation are generated and with knowledge, reflection and dialogue the youth are empowered as agents of change Guanajuato ha
Spaces for youth participation are generated and with knowledge, reflection and dialogue the youth are empowered as agents of change
Guanajuato has the best attention to youth, because it provides support for formation, and the development of skills and global competencies
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Guanajuato/Gto News
“The youth have the fire, the strength, the passion, the creativity and the vision to transform the world. I am sure that you will be the protagonists of a better Guanajuato, a better Mexico, a better American continent and a better world”, said the Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo.

The Governor led the opening ceremony of the Second Ibero-American Congress for the Empowerment of Youth 2023.

This congress seeks to provide Guanajuato youth with the tools, training, and knowledge to take advantage of their virtues such as passion, leadership, and the ability to change the world.
“When we talk about empowerment, we are talking about providing them with all the necessary tools to achieve the fullness of their development as people. And there are no better tools than education, training, knowledge”, said Rodriguez Vallejo.

In this training space, youth professionalization is made available to the participants through conferences, panels and workshops (work tables) in which knowledge is shared about the challenges of social participation, entrepreneurship, professional development, innovation and technology that youth face today, reflected in the signing of the Declaration of Youth 2023.

The Congress takes place on June 29 and 30 in Guanajuato, where four panels with specialists will take place; four magisterial conferences; and eight workshops. The participation of 2 thousand young people is expected; 16 Speakers from Mexico, Ecuador, Colombia and Spain; and 12 directors of Youth Care Institutes in the country.
Among the topics to be addressed is social participation, innovation and technology, professional development and entrepreneurship.

This Congress is part of the actions carried out by this government open to the proposals and requests of the youth made since the first declaration made in 2022.
Guanajuato through JuventudesGTO, is the State in Mexico that invests the most in its youth with more than 500 million pesos, more than the amount invested by the Federal Government.

Only in 2023 the investment for scholarships of all levels tripled. More than 160 million pesos are invested in secondary, high school and university scholarships, to benefit more than 37 thousand students.
Also with an increase in 2023 are the amount of scholarships for university 47% and high school 15%.

In the last 5 years, 750 million pesos have been invested in scholarships, benefiting 309,000 students.
During 2023, more than 40 million pesos will be invested in internationalization experiences, while in five years more than 250 million pesos have been invested in international experiences for young people.

So far in the State administration, 11,000 students have been supported to continue their preparation in 32 countries, among the most important are Canada, Spain and the United States of America.
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